Sunday, September 11, 2011

RECYCLE! Change the Purpose To Bring NEW LIFE to Items!

RECYCLE! Change The Purpose Of Vintage Clothing To Bring NEW LIFE to The Old!
Did you ever find a piece of clothing or something that is Vintage and just love it because of the colors or type of fabric or design? Then you read the description and find outit is damaged with a stain orholes or tears in it. You say to yourselfI would not wear something that is damaged and I do not believe it can be fixed. I justreally LOVE the colors and pattern of the fabric!
You can still enjoy the colors and/or some of the fabric or design. You can Recycle and help the environment by Changing The Purpose of the Item!
Put Your Creative Mind to Work!
Think about how else the item can be used...

For example a t-shirt that has a design on it can be cut out and put on a piece of cardboard and framed as a piece of nostalgic art.

It is great if you can sew but you really do not need to be able to sew. If you can not sew or do not have access to sewing equipment there is another way. There are fabric glues and I actually made a pairof curtains for a bedroom by glueing the edges and making a place to insert the curtain rod and also doing the hem and it is still gepletely washable.

There are some beautiful buttons and trims on dresses and coats that can easily be taken off and can be used on Scrapbook pages or as embellishments for other clothing or pillows.
It is just never ending what you can do with fabric and other vintage items.

You can purchase a Shadow Box or if you are crafty with wood make one and include all types of vintage items in the shadow box. Then take some beautiful fabric from an old dress that was in bad shape and cut into different shapes to make a collage of that era.

You can take squares of different fabric and make a full quilt if you sew or you can take and make a smaller version with glue and fabric squares and apply to canvas or poster board and make a beautiful quilt wall hanging.

Mens ties can be made into fabric rosettes that are really popular with Women's Fashions.

All types of fabrics, buttons and trim can be made into handbags or made into throw pillows.

Adult clothing can be a good source of fabric for another family member's clothing. such as a dress can bere-designed into a skirt or a blouse depending on the location of the damage or can be made into a smaller design for children's clothing.

Old furs - real or faux can be made into hats or pillow covers.

Vintage Hankerchiefs can be sewn together to make pillow tops or place mats.
Please use gemon sense when making a decision to cut up fabrics or change the purpose of fabrics or other items. Most collectors believe an old worn, ragged or slightly damaged fabric is not grounds for cuttingfabric into pieces because they are desirable forhistorical value. I believe if the fabric or item can be changed to have another purpose and bring NEW LIFE to the fabric or item the history of it can still be told.
I would like to conclude by saying:
To: Buyers -When you are shopping on okay for Vintage items because you just really love Vintage items and you find a piece of clothing that you just LOVE the fabric and colors and then you discover when reading the decription that it does havedamage such as holes, tears or stains try to picture some other ideas for using the fabric or other items and go ahead and purchase it to bring NEW LIFE to the fabric or item. You will be so glad you did because you LOVE it so much and you will feel good because you SAVED it from going to the RAG PILE!
To Sellers - When listing your items that have damage such as holes, tears or stains in your description you may want to include some ideas that you may have for using the beautiful fabric because the possible buyer may not be thinking of other ways to use and it may help encourage a shopper to go ahead and purchase the item to Bring it a NEW LIFE so it does not have to go to the RAG PILE!
There are so many ways to bring a NEW LIFE to OLD ITEMS AND FABRICS that no one person can think of them all so lets do something to save more of the beautiful old fabrics, embellishments and other items that can really have a NEW LIFE.Lets all help to get the message and the ideas out there so NOTHING GOES TO THE RAG PILE!
Watch for the my Blog geing Soon for everyone to Post photos and directions on creating and making things from Vintage Clothing that will give them a NEW LIFE so we can get the word out there to RECYCLE and help others to be more creative in their thinking of what can be done with this beautiful clothing. I will look forward to your great ideas.
Thanks for taking the time to read my Guide and Please visit my store and auctions frequently so you do not miss out on any of the wonderful Old Items to be given a NEW LIFE by you.

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