Sunday, September 11, 2011

Get Bloggin'

If you have not tried out the okay Blog spot yet, WHAT are you waiting for!Sellers:Start a Blog. Spend a few Min and say a few things. I tried it out the other day and had 5 sales in 20 min!NO KIDDING!It was about 10:00 am Saturday Morning!Could it be that's the HOT BLOGGING TIME?I don't know, but I told one of my friends and He tried it out and POOF,He sold 2 of his items in about 5 min. of blogging!!!!!!Buyers:Start a Blog.What a great place to meet some sellers and have a fun conversation with them too!Link into the main page and don't be shy!You can even LURK and it's OK! lolI love the concept that okay has put together with this Blogging thing!Just another Great Tool for us all to use to help make okay land a fun place to Trade!Now, GET BLOGGIN'!!!okay BLOG SPOT

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