Saturday, September 3, 2011

Nitro RC Tips

Do yourself and the people around you a favor and at the vary least, go through this list. You'll be glad you did.

Charge the glow plug igniter for several hours (over night is best) While its charging is a good time to do the rest of this list.
READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! There is alot of valuable info in there.
If you are not sure, ask us. Youll find alot of friendly people in this hobby who are more than willing to help.
Apply "thread lock" to EVERY nut, bolt and screw that threads metal to metal. These RCs vibrate alot, cover alot of ground and parts are small. If you loose one, good luck finding it. This means wheel nuts as well.
Make sure the tires are glued well to the rims. If not they will gee off the rims under power.
Install batteries in the radio and car.
Turn the car and radio switches on and check radio and servo operation.
Check and adjust wheel alignment, throttle and brake linkage.
Turn switches off when finished.
Check and record the high speed needle base setting. You might need to know this setting as a good starting point you can go back to if you ever adjust it so far that it wont run.

to do this, turn it in (clockwise) until it seats LIGHTLY and count how many turns it takes to close it, write that number down in the book, then open the screw back to where it started.

12 o clock to 3 o clock=1/4 turn, 12 to 6=1/2, 12 to 9=3/4, 12 to 12=1 full turn
Once all that is done and the igniter is charged its time to fire it up.
Fuel up the tank. 20% is regemended. After brake-in, you can even go up to 33% for more power, youll have to tune the engine for the higher nitro content.
Prime the carb. This can be done a couple different ways.

either by putting a few drops of fuel directly into the carb with the air filter removed or
by slowly pulling on the pull cord while plugging the exhaust with your will see fuel making its way to the carb through the line.
Place the igniter on the glow plug.
Turn on the radio switch 1st

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