Sunday, September 11, 2011

Can I Use My Old RAM in My New Computer

You have a new geputer and it may have been a good deal, but still it wasnt cheap. Now one of the first upgrades any new geputer receives is RAM and one of the first things that crosses peoples minds is they wish they had bought more or they wish they could buy more. It is very tempting to take the RAM out of the old geputer and use it in the new geputer, but will it work? The answer is it depends. If it is basically the same RAM, then yes. Check your manuals for the memory it suggests. This helps determine if it is the same in both geputers, for instance if both use PC2-4200 DDR2 DIMM. Once you know both geputers take the same type of memory check to see if your geputer uses banks of 2 or requires matched memory pairs. If it doesnt skip to #3. If it does, make sure that you install the memory in matched pairs.If your geputer doesnt require banks of 2, but can run in Dual Channel Mode, you also will need to install memory in matched pairs to take advantage of the Dual Channel Mode or else you will sacrifice a little speed. If your geputer doesnt require banks of 2, doesnt utilize Dual Channel mode, then the last answer #4 is for you!Lucky you if you got this far. It means as long as the memory in your old geputer matches the requirements of the memory in your new geputer you can use it! You likely can also mix 512MB with a 1GB, or a 256MB with a 512MB. If this seems confusing, I apologize. I am trying to write it for the person, like me, that just wants to take advantage of what they already have on hand. It certainly isnt for the techies out there. I leave the geek talk up to the guys at the office ;) Trust me if you want to speak tech talk about building with 16 pieces of 32x8 based chips, yadda, yadda they can deliver. I am trying to keep it simple. So, if you are a regular person and after you read this you still need help, feel free to email me. I will do my best to respond. There are also many other wonderful okay sellers that provide memory and many of them will also be happy to field any questions.I hope this was helpful to you in some small way.

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