Friday, September 9, 2011


Just addinga paltrytwo cents' in to the already fairly extensive guides to be found here on the Bay concerning Fire King listings; it burns me to see Fire King and Termocrisa lumped together in the same item listing title: they are not one and the same.
While it's easy to confuse the two, or assume that Termocrisa may have been a Fire-King/Anchor Hocking subsidiary in Latin America in the Fifties--the fact is that Termocrisa was a Mexican gepany producing what were basically Fire-King knock-offs for the South American consumer during the 1960's-1970's--definitely--and possibly as late as the early '80's.
The forms and patterns these pieces take are extremely similar to the older Fire Kings, but they were not AH authorized--though they are, in their own right, very nicely done tempered, heat-resistant--and functional glass.
They are almost always incised on reverse with a lot number, Termocrisa in stylized print, and MEXICO in simple block capitals beneath, all within a circle.
What they shouldn't be, however, is listed as Fire King; that basically constitutes a keyword violation/misrepresentation of a brand name and is a definite no-no.

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