Friday, July 23, 2010

OK, last anwer to a dumb broad

Everyone on here will help all they can when someone asks a civil question. Questions that are vague deserve the blunt answer they get. No one can tell someone else what that person shoud see or do. If that person qualifies the quesiton, for instance, I like modern art, what museum should I visit in Paris, then yes, that deserves a civil answer. But there are so many totally stupid and ludicrious questions on here that it makes one wonder how they ever mangaed to the money to travel. Think about this question, I will be in Philidlphia for one day, what should I see? That is totally stupid and the person who asks the question is stipid. Since 90 percent of the stupid questions come from stupid broads, they get what they deserve. Since you are too stupid to figure that out, we know you are one of the stupid twats on here. rnp

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