Sunday, July 18, 2010

How rainy is Ireland in the summer? Should I be packing a really good raincoat?

I'm travelling there but I'm not sure what the weather is like in August. Any advice?|||Its very rainy here today anyway. No point in me even guessin what it will be like in August, It can be literally lovely sunny and blue skies one minute then rainin the next. so bring a rain jacket anyway.|||yes, always yes, always bring a raincoat, yes!|||Apsaloutly pissing rain the last two weeks and its supposed to be like that for the rest of the summer, but hopefully not! 3 this morning there was afew floods on the roads the rain is so heavy,I would pack clothes for the rain.|||yes if current weather is a sign of whats to come then you'll need it! but there is a 50/50 chance that it will improve, be be aware that what we consider very hot is considerably cooler that what americans would!

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