Sunday, July 18, 2010

Aussies: those total beachwaxes, safe?

My friend tells me along the Australian beaches there are lots of shacks offering waxing deals that are total (i.e. 'Back, Crack, and Sack - $25!) Are those places safe? Anyone ever get their nuts ripped off? Give it to me straight - what's the dirt on those places?Yup! You heard me! I wanna know! LOLAlso, one more thing - what the hell is wrong with Canada that such waxing services aren't available for men?|||On ya fella - PMSL mate!Firstly they are not 'shacks' .. the health dept wouldn't allow that. Secondly, I've never seen one on a 'beach'.Personally I come from an advanced gene pool and my 'back n crack' are hair free, so I've never experienced that (thank f**k)My sack I just clipper thanks mate!Tho .. in answer to your Q, my sister in her salon does offer those services to her clients, she is a hairdresser, beautician n make-up artist, and I can assure you it is quite safe, yeah its bloody painful apparently - and no she has never ripped any ones nuts off !As to whats wrong with Canada ... I got no friggen idea.

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