Sunday, July 18, 2010

Advice and suggestions for touring Thailand please?

I am planning a trip to Thailand in November and i don't want to spend it in one location.Can anyone here recommend an interesting route that covers all of the 'must see and do' aspects of the country.I want to explore rural Thailand as well as the smaller islands in the south.Thanks.|||Hi - I would love to help but you really need to tell us how many days you have and maybe something about your interests and budget if that is a factor. I think if you refine the question you will get some good answers.. The more information you give abt yourself, the better - - your age, abilities - do you like to hike or just want a fancy beach resort to crash out on - - give whatever details abt yourself and travel partner if you have one that you feel comfortable giving|||You already are starting in Bangkok for a few days which is always a good way to start your holiday in Thailand. Spend the last night in Bangkok too so you will only be a short taxi ride from the airport and have a chance to take in an evening dinner cruise if you want and purchase some last minute souvenirs. During your first time in Bangkok you can purchase flights or even train tickets to other cities.It will be hard to get away from tourists, without tourist money coming in the excellent transportation and roads in Thailand would not be there and you would be paying through the nose for everything. Tourist money makes it easier to see the things you want at a reasonable price. Without tourists, besides your transportation being higher priced, your accommodations would also be more expensive. Tourism does have its upside.In Bangkok you might want to take a tour or visit the Bridge on the River Kwai and Hell Fire Pass exhibits. There are river boats with straw roofs you can spend a night on. Any travel agency in Bangkok can give your more information. Trips to Ayudthaya are popular too.… One nicely restored temple is around 4 hours from Bangkok in a town called Phimai. This is a little place outside Khorat. Bus to Khorat is cheap. Bus to Phimai another hour. Stay in the Phimai Inn (main highway, near the petro stations) which is almost across from a bus station. See the biggest banyan tree in Thailand there too. Phimai is a nice little town to relax in, but there will be tourists there for the evening "light and sound show." Bangkok you might want to visit the Chiang Mai area. You can fly there or take the evening sleeper train if you want. In Chiang Mai, like Bangkok and Pattaya, a local travel agency can set you up with treks and tours or you can use local buses to take you to other cities in that area. A simple Google check on "what to see and do in Thailand" will give you lots of suggestions, it depends on what interests you what you see and do in Thailand. You won't have a problem finding smaller hotels and guest houses. You could ask for suggestions in your price range from the below travel forums. Someone always has a suggestion for you.………A few more days in Thailand is not that expensive once you pay for your plane ticket. So, any extra days you can squeeze in is helpful. Food and transportation is cheap. My advice is to find a hotel in Bangkok that has access to the Skytrain. You can use the Skytrain to take you around the city pretty easy and cheap. By the time you arrive in Thailand the Airport Link may be up and running direct from the airport to the Pratunam area. Read up about currency and getting to and from the airport from the above TripAdvisor forum.Your problem is that there is so much to see and your time is limited.Good luck.

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