Friday, July 23, 2010

Well, daddy does like the hamburger steak §

can you send me the money first §

Boat trip

30' Searay

And the refrigerator. Hilarious.

I wonder if she wants to bring a hamster too? rnp

what size is your boat §

I wouldn't stop with that. I'd bring some of

....if the airline says you can.

^Another useless female §

Boat trip

any body taking a cruise up or down the bay this weekend? Leaveing Thursday nite. The more the merrier

tell that to TSA §

Papa, honey, let's you and me get away from

....and we can make you into the kind of woman they ought to be.

Translated: He means experience is

A few spelling issues like "moran"and "anybopdy". He thinks that the festivals will be far different than the year before, so nobody can answer your question. You know---different days, different shit and such. "Shit" can make or break a festival, you know.

He also believes if someone asks questions about festivals, that they might want to reconsider letting them participate in elections. He, on the other hand, probably feels that he is qualified.

Well sure, I think you can see where he's coming from.

Dreamin' of penetrating §

^Here is a prime example of someone who

who does not want to contribute anything to the discussion or subject. This person is probably female and totally useless. rnp

^youre just too fuckinG stupid to still be alive












Let me add - the sawdust festival is right

across the street from the festival of the arts. Both are relatively small. You could easily do them both.

I did read about all three

I am visiting LB one day. I wanted to find out which festival is the best. I can't tell just by reading about an art fair which is worthwhile.

It is morning here and I have to go to work

so you can play without me for a while. Now is your chance to post totally stupid questions without a comment from rnp.

Pageant of the Masters is worth it

Festival of the arts is on the Pageant of the Masters grounds, so you can kill two birds with one stone.

Sawdust festival is more artsy craftsy.

If you like swordfish, have dinner at Cafe Zoolu. Their claim is it's the best in the world. Being as I haven't had all the swordfish in the world, I can't validate that claim, but it's really DAMN GOOD!


the op knows that she is interested in three festivals. Yest she does not want to spend the time to read about them on the internet. No one can tell someone else where they should go to see what they want to see. If the op had been specific and asked a specific question, then yes, we can answer.

People who come on here with questions like, what to see in Paris are totally stupid and should not travel.

On the other hand people who ask a specific question about a place or happening will get a civil answer.

1 day trip to Laguna Beach..Where to go?

I did a Google search for Laguna Beach. It could take five hours to read everything.

Where are the places to go?

There are three fesitvals right now.


festival of arts

sawdust art festival

Are any of those worth visting?

OK, last anwer to a dumb broad

Everyone on here will help all they can when someone asks a civil question. Questions that are vague deserve the blunt answer they get. No one can tell someone else what that person shoud see or do. If that person qualifies the quesiton, for instance, I like modern art, what museum should I visit in Paris, then yes, that deserves a civil answer. But there are so many totally stupid and ludicrious questions on here that it makes one wonder how they ever mangaed to the money to travel. Think about this question, I will be in Philidlphia for one day, what should I see? That is totally stupid and the person who asks the question is stipid. Since 90 percent of the stupid questions come from stupid broads, they get what they deserve. Since you are too stupid to figure that out, we know you are one of the stupid twats on here. rnp

If that's the case, why do we even have

a travel forum other than for you to post your idiotic spew?

If they are as good looking as that one bitch §

I agree, people should never attempt getting

....opinions, experiences, suggestions or anything else related to travel. If you can't find it on the internet yourself or in a guidebook, well..... fuck ya. This is not the place to interact. Stay off this forum, cause you're too dumb.

Now.... if you wanted specifics on a festival after you had exhausted ALL other means, then bring your unsolvable dilemma to rnp, and with his vast festival knowledge, he might help you with that. If it's not below his dignity.

He does reserve the right to call you a "twat" or a "whore" first however.

OK but can you bring my hamster too? §

^^Two imbeciles conversing

....make a snow "angle" and the other replies "youned" We thank both of you intellects for sharing. What bliss on this board!

Slow Night on the 'ol §

I will do you a deal, I will take your package

to Bangalore for you if will you transport my 4ft by 4ft mirror for me, but it MUST be taken on as hand luggage, otherwise no deal.

Rick, youned a lot of help. I suggest

you find the nearest homeless shelter.

Let's taunt him for a while. That §


i am looking to move to colorado, (small town)

i have lived in the keys most of my life, i am sick of what hapened to florida. i need to be near a V.A. hospital within say 100 miles. is there anyone who knows anything about colorado? i am 50 and never seen the change of seasons where the leaves turn beautiful, and my life long dream as always been to see the rocky mountains, and to make a snow angle, yepper never seen snow either. any info would be alott of help.



One more thing

this is William Fold (above post) and I just read the comment by rnp. What a despicable person he is. He insinuates that you want people to transport some kind of illegal substance. Then he calls you names. How dare he?

Surely Karma will get him. How pathetic he must be.

I'm sure there are thousands per month

Otherwise, there wouldn't be regularly scheduled air flights.

What a silly question.

That would be the airport's own website

Most airport websites list all nonstop destinations from that airport.

I will bring your package. I will be leaving

the UK in one week. Just send me your bank routing number and your checking and saving account number so that I can deduct the small amout I will charge. I promise that I will not charge you very much, just a small token for my trouble. If you send your bank information and your name and address right away I will begin the process immediately. Yours truly, Honorable, William Fold, esq.

Is anyone coming from UK to Bangalore ?


If anyone is travelling from UK to Bangalore and can bring a small package for me from there, pls contact me.


best flights from ____ site?

Is there a site that lists flight deals from a specific airport?

why go to apartheid israel

Then, ask the question in a better form

because the way you asked it "is anyone ..." is just silly. Again, of course, there are thousands of people making that routing.

I did read your entire post, and I realized that it was phrased in a really poor way from the start.





El Al Tickets from NY to Israel: Great Price!

3 El AL tickets from NY (JFK) for sale at a great price!

Buyers can either leave on Wed, July 21 or return on Thurs, Aug 19, and schedule the second travel date to their convenience.

Original Price: $1470

Save almost $300.00 and buy these tickets reduced to $1200!

Please contact for more information. Please include a telephone number in your response.

this forum attracts so many gay geezer losers §

^Hey dumb ass op, get this moron to bring

your package. Since he is mouthing off about help, he can bring the package.

The fact is, it is a one in about a million chance that someone will travel that route, and then another one million shot that that person is stupid enough to bring the contraband.

In other words, the post is dumb, and the first person who answerd, has it correct.

Now all you mouths who want to help the mf op can do it. Otherwise, stfu. rnp

moving there?

hi i have read all over the internet that minnesota has several great places to live and raise a family, I was wondering if that is true?

Somebody should §

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Adventure World Perth monorail system?

Where can I find information on the monorail system at Adventure World in Perth, Australia?Also, where can I find some pictures of the monorail?Thanks

Hi all. Would love advice on where to stay in USA and bit more info if possible!?

I took a year off after finishing high school and i start university in 2011. in october i would love to fly to USA and stay there for a couple of months before i start uni here in aus. I would rather stay in the same place and was wondering which state is a good place to meet new people, relax and enjoy the scenery. I am a artist and would love to do some artwork during my time off. I don't really want to go to California or NYC, Miami and Florida (of course ill visit when im older) because they seem a bit too touristy for what i want to do. Right now i picture more open spaces and relaxing environment. AND if i do stay in a place like im picturing ideas on how to meet people? and types of accommodation? i don't want to stay in a hotel the whole time but is it legal to rent out a apartment if im from Australia.sorry about the long post, I hope this makes sense and answers appreciated.|||This is such a hard question to answer, as I'm sure you know.I wouldn't really recommend California, NYC, etc. The more rural, the smaller the location, the more likely you are to meet people. It sounds like the place you would need would be (1) scenic - you don't want to go to a small town with no interest, (2) smaller - trust me, you will meet people this way. If you know anybody already in the US, I would highly recommend asking them for the name of one of their friends in another town. It will give you a contact who can help you meet other people. Just to give you places to start, though: Colorado is considered very friendly, and it's beautiful in the summer. Excellent scenery, depending on where you are, and if you like mountains/trees/green/rivers/lakes, that's a great choice. I would recommend something outside of Denver - maybe Colorado Springs.If the mountains aren't your thing, and you're looking for a real "American" experience - the Southwest may be the place to go. In October it's just about the perfect temperature, and you'll get all the Western scenery you want. The only problem is that things can be a little spread out, and if you don't know anybody there, it may be hard to meet people if you don't know exactly where to go. I would recommend Phoenix or Scottsdale, AZ (but you may have to know somebody, certainly need to have a car). Texas seems to always fascinate foreigners, but I've never been so I can't comment, really. I supposed I would just recommend a bigger city like Dallas or Austin, but again, I don't know.If you don't want mountains or John Wayne, you could try the Pacific Northwest - Seattle (my hometown) or Portland. Again, if you really want to meet people (and you don't know anyone already), I would avoid a big city like Seattle. You'd interact constantly with other people, but it's hard to get to know them. City thing. I highly recommend a little town outside of Seattle - Bainbridge Island or Poulsbo - where if you just meet one person and tell them you're trying to meet people, they will hook you up. Lots of green, lots of water, etc.If none of those sounds good, go for big old Boston. I would never recommend that to anyone unless they really like the city, though. You could also look into Portland, Oregon. It's also a big city, but I've not met very many people who didn't like it. It's pretty, has plenty of nearby scenery (mountains, hiking, water), and culture. If you're good at making friends out of strangers, a big city may not be bad. But remember, just like any other country, people are more cautious and may need an obvious hint that you are looking to meet people. You also said you wanted to "relax," and you can, but smaller towns are better.I don't think you can rent an apartment here, but I'm not sure about that. You could try, lots of Americans are really willing to have a foreigner (especially one who speaks English!) stay over. Another possibility is Googling exchange programs (just home-to-home) where there is someone who has signed up with a reputable Australian or American organization. They can show you around their town, introduce you to people. I hope that helps. Again, just one opinion of many.

Why do all k-pop artists need slave training lol?

K-POP is korea's and most of asia's widely marketable form of entertainment. Now, think of any group, think of your favorite group or your most hated group, or both, it doesnt matter. now think of what that group would be like and how different they would be, had they met via school, or friends. and naturally became successful entirely on their own drive. i know that big bang writes their own music but g dragon still needed years of training at the hands of some mastermind, not of his own mind. justin bieber just had to post some vids on youtube lol! thats just the american way i guess. it just saddens me to see all the(mostly girls) posting questions on korean entertainment company auditions. it shouldnt have to be like that... if u have talent, you dont need to feel desperate at the hands of an indomitable system. cuz u think JyP is going to change anything about his way anytime soon? lol better get an account on youtube lol. unless youd like to be a slave, which is fine, to each their own!

Hi,All pakistanies there please comment your views?…

Who lives in fairfield or vacaville, california?

i dunno' why i'm asking. i just want to know.


Scottish government releases a suspected mass murderer from prison and lets him return home to Libya.....Scottish police forces undergoing rampant political correctness and recruiting Islamic/muslim migrants in preferance to locals, even though unemployment is skyrocketing in the country...the same goes for all other jobs in the public domain as soon as they have leave to remain on the country....whats happened to my Scotland ...??|||Yes, I think it's only a matter of time before Scotland turns to Islam. They are already doing deep fried halal black pudding in batter and changing their name to Muhammed MacIslam. As you know, the Scots hardly touch alcohol so Islam fits very well with their culture.Last night in Sauchiehall Street I heard a guy say "Do ya wanna Ishlamic Big Issue Pal? (Well yous have a nice evening ya slimy bastad)."|||No it has not.Scotland released Ali al-Megrahi because of his terminal cancer, not because they are "EVIL MUSLIM LOVING TERRORISTS"Just because Scotland doesn't have an American view on this, doesn't mean they are giving in. Have you researched this at all? Of course unemployment is skyrocketing, we have just came out of a recession. People recruit whoever they think are a better work-force and many many Islamic migrants were well taught very well before they sought refuge here. A girl in my University's Parents came from Pakistan where her mother was a Doctor and her father an Architect, now her Mother has to work as a Nurse here and her Father is unemployed but unsuitable for benefits from the government.People try, stop accusing people just because of their faith and skin colour. I'm expecting you to be one of those people who sit and drink Tennents everyday while saying it's anyone who isn't from Scotland's fault for your lack of effort. My Grandparents are Irish, does this make me an evil immigrant to Scotland? I thought not. Shut up and do something decent with your life (Maybe do a course in modern Studies just to get you started on your ignorance and intolerence?|||im scottish the laws are far to soft us normal folks never released the guy i`d leave all criminal`s chained up in a field with bread and water no pampering allowed make them suffer let us do what we want to them they should`nt have rights after a criminal anything.they all seem to be getting paid well for their pampered human rights.lock the human right ones up see if they believe they deserve oor tax.i just don`t get why they are getting our taxes what mental idiots are giving them it.|||The decision had nothing whatsoever to do with the PTA between Westminster and Libya, it had even less to do with BP. It was solely Kenny McKaskill that made the decision based on a law many other prisoners have been released. And Scottish police forces aren't taking 'ANYONE' on just now, no matter what colour or creed they are!

What reputation does "Conservatorium van Amsterdam" have in Holland?

Why do hotel pools close in Las Vegas?

I'm flying to Las Vegas for a week tomorrow and was sorely disappointed to find that my hotel (Excalibur) closes their pool at 8pm. This is Vegas we're talking about. At 8pm the sun isn't even down. It's still around 100° at midnight. Why do Vegas hotels even bother closing at all, this is Sin City, why aren't any of them open 24 hours? I would've checked this info before because I love to swim at night, but I didn't book the room nor am I paying for it so I'm not exactly complaining.Oh, by the way, which hotels on the strip have the best pools and which are the easiest to get into?|||safety issues, try the Flamingo hotel pool.|||This can help you to find nice hotel deals.we can check and compare current hotel prices along with reviews at “hotels combined” luck!|||i believe this is because people start drinking around those hours and don't want drunk people in the swimming areas because it is dangerous for them and the others around them. thanks. and i would say flamingo.|||I agree with you totally. However this is a trend everywhere including Florida. Part of it has to do with insurance. Another part is many of the pools are surrounded by the hotel rooms and when people swim they tend to yell and scream a lot which would bother the guests in those rooms. Another reason is that they want you in the casino rather than relaxing in the pool. The best pools are Mandalay Bay, Flamingo, MGM, Bellagio. If you want to know which are easy to sneak into ... well they are for paying guests only though some will allow you to pay to enter.

Aussies: those total beachwaxes, safe?

My friend tells me along the Australian beaches there are lots of shacks offering waxing deals that are total (i.e. 'Back, Crack, and Sack - $25!) Are those places safe? Anyone ever get their nuts ripped off? Give it to me straight - what's the dirt on those places?Yup! You heard me! I wanna know! LOLAlso, one more thing - what the hell is wrong with Canada that such waxing services aren't available for men?|||On ya fella - PMSL mate!Firstly they are not 'shacks' .. the health dept wouldn't allow that. Secondly, I've never seen one on a 'beach'.Personally I come from an advanced gene pool and my 'back n crack' are hair free, so I've never experienced that (thank f**k)My sack I just clipper thanks mate!Tho .. in answer to your Q, my sister in her salon does offer those services to her clients, she is a hairdresser, beautician n make-up artist, and I can assure you it is quite safe, yeah its bloody painful apparently - and no she has never ripped any ones nuts off !As to whats wrong with Canada ... I got no friggen idea.

How much is it on the Humber Flyer from Grimsby to Hull?

I want to meet a friend in Hull and the only way i can get there is via the Humber Flyer. The trains cost about £30 return because they have to go all the way around. I think it used to be around £2 for the Humber FLyer bus but since it nearly got cancelled last year i believe it's gone up. Does anyone know how much it costs from Grimsby to Hull on the Humber Flyer?

I need to enrol to vote by tomorrow 8:00pm? Will I be able to do it?

I have filled out the form online, but now it says i have to sign it, then send it in the mail (or fax it) to the Australian electoral commission.Wouldn't it take at least a week for the mail to reach the destination? It's usually the case that mail doesn't take less than 24 hours. So, if that's the case how am I going to be enrolled by 8:00pm tomorrow?The other option is to fax it, but I don't even have a fax machine. Does anyone here even have a fax machine?|||You could have enrolled anytime since your 17th birthday.*If a person is 17 years old and an Australian citizen, they may enrol but are not entitled to vote until they turn 18.…If you are already enrolled and need to update your address you have until 8pm Thursday.If you are not enrolled you must email or deliver the form in person, not mail it. If you mail it you will not be added to the electoral roll for this election.Info from the AEC website.If you are not enrolled to vote:•you must complete an enrolment form right now and return it to the AEC by 8pm (local time) Monday, 19 July 2010, or you’ll miss out on your vote.If you are already enrolled to vote but haven’t updated your address details on the electoral roll:•complete a new enrolment form and return it to the AEC by 8pm (local time) Thursday 22 July 2010.|||You can sign your completed form; scan it and email it to your local AEC office. Do you or any of your friends have a multifunction printer/scanner?…|||Your local post office generally has a fax facility. If you wanted to post it you had to have put it in the box by 4pm Sunday night. A court house is not where it has to be submitted.|||You may be able to lodge your application at your nearest sure to follow up first thing in the morning because applications close at 8.00pm tomorrow ...

Finding a tour on the russian trans siberian train?

this is something that i really want to do but i've been looking on the internet all night and i cant seem to find any tour companies or anything else that has trips for the trans siberian. cdoes anyone know of a website?? i'm looking to book through a recognised company thanks|||Maybe this will help?|||This website gives you some ideas on how to plan the trip: But, if you're really nervous about doing all the planning yourself, just go to a travel agent and ask for advice or get them to do all the booking for you.

Is going on a cruise suitable for a 25yr old female?

Thinking of taking a 9 day cruise from Sydney. Other wise, what other trip would be good within Australia, besides Cairns. Thanks|||Hell yes. Go and have a great time. Before you go, watch 'Muriel's Wedding', important information concerning Karaoke. Good luck.|||Its certainly is! But if you are going by yourself, remember that the price you see is based on double occupancy. If you are the only one in the room, you have to pay an extra charge, which depends on the cruise line. It could be as high as 90% extra.

What is all this talk about a " United Ireland " Do you irish forget that it belonged to the britain first?

It was originally one of the British isles .So really it is british people who should be shouting " GIVE US A UNITED BRITAIN AGAIN" Stop complaining , you got to keep 26 counties on your poor island.|||oh my god, i don't even know what to say. what year were we one of the British isle? even if we were like a thousand years ago, you are very, very ignorant|||I can see you have just joined Yahoo Answers today, so are most likely a troll account, so I will explain this to you in very simple terms so that might understand:You say "Do you Irish forget that it actually belonged to Britain first" - Yes - we are all well aware that Ireland used to be ruled by Britain. We are also aware of the many reasons for independance - are you?You say "It was originally one of the British isles" - It still is one of what are geographically known as the 'British Isles' or 'The British and Irish Isles' even though it is no longer anything to do with Britain.You say "Give us a United Britain again" - Britain still is united. Britain is the island upon which England, Scotland and Wales lie - as far as I am aware, this island still is whole and complete. The island of Ireland has never been attached to the Island of Britain.If you are going to post a question like this it really would help if you knew your facts first because you look like a bit of a tool, really.|||Oh yea thats why we ripped it off the island of Britain and stuck it to us cause they owned it first ( how bad are we ) , called it ullad , and poor , get real this isnt the ireland of the 40s , what year are you in , and were do you get your education cause i think you need a refund , the irish Ulster tribes owned those lands long before the british arrived, they took and them and gave them to you , how does it feel living on stolen soil , get real troll you sound ridicules and stop embarresing yourself, on your poor island , are you from Ulster , cause im afraid to say your on this Island to , sorry for the reality check , but something needs to bite you in the ***, ps the Belfast Agreement has been done and theres worse problems in the world recieving no help towards there conflicts , you should count yourself lucky and shut up and just live for yourself not just your habitat|||You've got one of them troll accounts. "GIVE US A UNITED BRITAIN" - As far as I'm aware Britain is united. Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales. Britain as an island to the right of Ireland. Ireland never belonged to Britain, never! It is in the British Isles, yes, but it NEVER belonged to Britain. It is just an island left to Britain, separated by the Irish Sea."Stop complaining , you got to keep 26 counties on your poor island" - There are 32 counties in Ireland. The 6 that makes up "Northern Ireland" is ruled by Britain! I live in Northern Ireland and would love a United Ireland. Isn't Scotland and Wales trying to break away from Britain and become independent - I can't wait to see to see that day. England will lose it's kingdom which took it centuries to build up. You are a typical British scumbag that people across Europe hate. It's a fact that Britain and it's people is one of the most hated countries in the world.Get your facts right, troll!|||A pretty stupid question from You as always with many accounts this section is full of decent Irish people and You are Not one of them This question insights hatred towards Ireland get a life dummy!|||TROLL! go back to school and get yourself an education!

I don't understand haven's age policy and gender could someone please explain to me?

Hi we r planning to go to china... but dont hav any idea abt tat place can anyone help us in tat?

we r plannin to go to shanghai but dont know much abt it where to stay, eat r even shop.. language is a prob... where al r gud places to c.. can anyone help me out in this cos i realllyy wanna visit tat place... pls give me reply in business point of view also as my hubby wil only go if he knows where the industries r how to reach n contact them pls help me with any kind of info u hav even if i hav not mentioned in it.. thx|||Re write what you just said and I maybe able to help you out.|||Chinese people with English language skills use standard English. They use paragraphs, sentences, standard grammar, and standard spelling. No one in China could read or understand what you wrote here. Communication begins with language. If you corrupt a language, then you cannot communicate with it.

How do children 6 and 4 react to jetlag transatlantic west to east?

Why did the valve allow the reactor to permit radioactive steam to escape in Pretoria West, South Africa 2006?

kofex (PTY)LTD built a nuclear reactor in 2000|||Rubbish! There are only three nuclear reactors in SA. Two full scale units at Koeberg near Cape Town and a small experimental unit at Pelindaba. They all date from the early 1980s. No other reactor was built in 2000 or any other time.

Advice and suggestions for touring Thailand please?

I am planning a trip to Thailand in November and i don't want to spend it in one location.Can anyone here recommend an interesting route that covers all of the 'must see and do' aspects of the country.I want to explore rural Thailand as well as the smaller islands in the south.Thanks.|||Hi - I would love to help but you really need to tell us how many days you have and maybe something about your interests and budget if that is a factor. I think if you refine the question you will get some good answers.. The more information you give abt yourself, the better - - your age, abilities - do you like to hike or just want a fancy beach resort to crash out on - - give whatever details abt yourself and travel partner if you have one that you feel comfortable giving|||You already are starting in Bangkok for a few days which is always a good way to start your holiday in Thailand. Spend the last night in Bangkok too so you will only be a short taxi ride from the airport and have a chance to take in an evening dinner cruise if you want and purchase some last minute souvenirs. During your first time in Bangkok you can purchase flights or even train tickets to other cities.It will be hard to get away from tourists, without tourist money coming in the excellent transportation and roads in Thailand would not be there and you would be paying through the nose for everything. Tourist money makes it easier to see the things you want at a reasonable price. Without tourists, besides your transportation being higher priced, your accommodations would also be more expensive. Tourism does have its upside.In Bangkok you might want to take a tour or visit the Bridge on the River Kwai and Hell Fire Pass exhibits. There are river boats with straw roofs you can spend a night on. Any travel agency in Bangkok can give your more information. Trips to Ayudthaya are popular too.… One nicely restored temple is around 4 hours from Bangkok in a town called Phimai. This is a little place outside Khorat. Bus to Khorat is cheap. Bus to Phimai another hour. Stay in the Phimai Inn (main highway, near the petro stations) which is almost across from a bus station. See the biggest banyan tree in Thailand there too. Phimai is a nice little town to relax in, but there will be tourists there for the evening "light and sound show." Bangkok you might want to visit the Chiang Mai area. You can fly there or take the evening sleeper train if you want. In Chiang Mai, like Bangkok and Pattaya, a local travel agency can set you up with treks and tours or you can use local buses to take you to other cities in that area. A simple Google check on "what to see and do in Thailand" will give you lots of suggestions, it depends on what interests you what you see and do in Thailand. You won't have a problem finding smaller hotels and guest houses. You could ask for suggestions in your price range from the below travel forums. Someone always has a suggestion for you.………A few more days in Thailand is not that expensive once you pay for your plane ticket. So, any extra days you can squeeze in is helpful. Food and transportation is cheap. My advice is to find a hotel in Bangkok that has access to the Skytrain. You can use the Skytrain to take you around the city pretty easy and cheap. By the time you arrive in Thailand the Airport Link may be up and running direct from the airport to the Pratunam area. Read up about currency and getting to and from the airport from the above TripAdvisor forum.Your problem is that there is so much to see and your time is limited.Good luck.

How rainy is Ireland in the summer? Should I be packing a really good raincoat?

I'm travelling there but I'm not sure what the weather is like in August. Any advice?|||Its very rainy here today anyway. No point in me even guessin what it will be like in August, It can be literally lovely sunny and blue skies one minute then rainin the next. so bring a rain jacket anyway.|||yes, always yes, always bring a raincoat, yes!|||Apsaloutly pissing rain the last two weeks and its supposed to be like that for the rest of the summer, but hopefully not! 3 this morning there was afew floods on the roads the rain is so heavy,I would pack clothes for the rain.|||yes if current weather is a sign of whats to come then you'll need it! but there is a 50/50 chance that it will improve, be be aware that what we consider very hot is considerably cooler that what americans would!