Saturday, September 3, 2011



Purchasing your first Jinni:

When you are new to the world of jinn, and you have little to no information about them, it can be a very scary thing to go looking at some of the auctions today, there are so many types of beings breeding these days that "new" races are popping up all the time, we see Marid, Ifrit, Believer, Non-Believer, Archangel Jinn, etc, and you're thinking, "What in the world does all this mean???". It means, that just as humans do, jinn mate, with humans, angels, eachother, and occationally other beings that are considered paranormal. Just as we have our "races" they have theirs... So below you will find a brief description on what you should look for as a new or beginner jinni owner, and what to stay away from!

First Class Jinn!

A Marid Jinni is the HIGHEST CLASS of jinni today. They are purely good in nature and refuse to harm other beings for the fulfillment of your requests, they just find another way around things if it begees a problem. They have outstanding moral values, have a lot of happiness to share with you, are generally very loyal, and do not try to trick you in any way. A lot of Marid Jinn will guide a beginner through the necessary steps they need to take in order to get what they want until the owner, or master, learns how to take control of the situation. However, just because Marid Jinn are Pure, does not mean that they don't like to get dirty, if you know what I mean! A Marid Jinn would be my highest regemendation for a person that has never owned a jinni previously and is not sure what to expect!

Not regemended for beginners!

An Ifrit Jinni is not ALWAYS bad, there are many that are, but in my case, I really try not to sell a truely evil jinni to anyone, because of the raw power that that person would have in their possession. The difference between an Ifrit and a Marid jinn are simple... One has good moral values, and the other not so much. An Ifrit jinni will do ANYTHING to grant your request in the smallest amount of time possible, because they want to be the best. This does include (but is not necessarily going to happen) harming someone else to make your request happen. This is not usually done on purpose, but in the haste to make things happen for you, it is possible that they overlook something of the sort. So when it gees to an Ifrit jinni, I would be VERY careful, and make it VERY clear as to what you DO NOT want them to do while granting your requests. Not all Ifrit Jinn are bad, or have bad moral values, just the majority of them do. Normally, a seller will put this warning into their auction, so that inexperienced people will not purchase them.

Believer and Non-Believer Jinn!

Ok, I am not going to tell you about this much, because if you do not know what a non-believer jinni is, then you should not be looking for one. The reason why? Simple... BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT FOR NEW OWNERS! They are for VERY EXPERIENCED owners, someone that KNOWS what a Non-Believer jinni is. As far as a believer jinni goes, GO FOR IT! There are many races of jinn with Believer and Non-Believer Jinn in them, so be sure to ask your seller about the jinni you are interested in before making the purchase! If there is a Marid Jinni that is a Believer, you are all set and ready to purchase your first jinni, but if there is an Ifrit Jinni that is a Believer, you may want to still ask about the nature of the jinn before purchasing him/her.

How Do I Know THIS Jinni Is Right For ME???

Well, I get this question A LOT! Here is a short list to go by when trying to find a Jinni that will be good as a gepanion AND as a "servant" (please take the word servant lightly as Jinn are not BY FAR our servants, but more like our FRIENDS that do amazing things for us constantly):
1. Read about the jinni, most sellers put about 2 paragraphs in a listing that is specifically about THAT jinni, if you think that the jinni being offered sounds like a friend that you would want to hang out with, or somewhat like your own personality, chances are that you will get along and be great friends!
2. How do you feel? When you were reading the listing, did you get a good feeling? Warm fuzzies, butterflies, goosebumps, or maybe you are just REALLY drawn to it for some unknown reason? This is a very good sign that this may be the one for you!
3. ALWAYS go with your GUT instincts and never second guess just because you want one right away! If you wait until you get that really good feeling, and you find one that you know fits what you want/need, then you will get a MUCH better experience with your jinni!
4. Do not take into consideration the item being sold, the item is only a vessel for the jinni to be attached to, not something you must take with you, wear, or be next to all the time. Depending on the seller and their practices with the first summoning, you may only even need the item ONE TIME. Hardly worth passing up a GREAT jinni for, right?

Do I Have To Take Care Of A Jinni?

No, at least not in the traditional sense of taking care of someone/something... Jinn find their own food, bathe themselves, and even dress themselves... on a regular basis! They are not children, and they are more than capable of doing these things by themselves. However, they do like to be talked to, have sexual relations, taken places, loves, respected, and cherished. Pretty much everything humans need, except for the part where you don't have to do anything to keep them alive. It is all emotional. They also enjoy inscense, scented candles, a wide variety of music, wine, and so on... all the things we enjoy as humans! If you own a Succubi, or Concubine or any other kind of Jinn Type sexually oriented jinni, you can use bath salts, inscense, candles, and a genuinely romantic gesture to bring them out more quickly for you.


gemunication with your Jinni is very important! Not gemunicating with your jinni is like buying a puppy at the pet store just to let it die because you don't have the time to care for it in the way it needs to be taken care of, get it? At first, your jinni may not verbally gemunicate with you, but over time, and the earning of his/her trust, that will gee! Until then, look for signs, dreams, telepathic gemunication, physical touching, and visions, these are ALL forms of gemunication from them! If you are patient, never doubting, and you positively KNOW that your jinni is REAL, and is THERE with you, you will be able to get to verbal gemunication in no time! A good way to get started is through a relaxing setting that is quietand undisturbable, a glass of whine, and some good meditation!

How Do Jinn Manifest?

All kinds of ways! The most gemon forms are as humans or gemon animals like dogs, cats, birds, etc, smoke, or an orb. However, they do not stay in these forms for long, and it does take some time for them to show themself to you in this form. Why? Well, unfortunately it is within the nature of what seems to be almost all beings to reject something that they do not understand, therefore, because a jinni is most vulnerable in these forms to be killed, they have to trust you first and foremost. Just because you can not see it, doesn't mean it isn't there! We all believe in pleanty of things that we can not see... one of them keeps us alive (air)! If you doubt your jinni, he/she is not going to do well by you, just as if you were standing in front of someone and told you that you were not real, you would likely not stick around to do them favors. So don't doubt your jinni or his/her powers!

Last Note:

There are A LOT of absolutely wonderful sellers out there, who are genuinely caring people, that are there to help you with what you need to be helped with, someone that is willing to give you detailed information about the answers you are seeking is likely a good seller. We all have our niches, and though it may seem like we are all the same, we're not, so be sure to check everyone out, read all the feedback of the seller you are thinking about buying from, and do your research a little to know that they are telling the truth. Some people will tell you that just because someone does not have a ritual they are not real jinn does not really know that for sure, each seller has their own power, and their own techniques, just find someone you can trust. No one should make you feel obligated to buy only from them, and no one should be bad mouthing other sellers based on very little information. It is unkind and will gee back on whomever is being naughty, one of these days! Just find sellers that you feel you can trust, and don't be afraid to ask questions! A lot of us will even regemend other sellers when we do not have the item or answers you are looking for!
Feel free to ask me any questions you'd like, I am happy to help whether you are looking for a new jinni or you already have one!
May the blessings of the Gods be upon you as you venture into your journey through a better life with Jinn!

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