Friday, September 9, 2011

Developing Super Strong and Healthy Hands for Sports!

Developing Super Strong and Healthy Hands for Sports!
If you want strong and healthy hands youve gee to the right place.
The History of Hand Grippers..
Goes back well over a hundred years, even Arthur Saxon the world famous early bodybuilder made dumbells that had grip springs inside so he could train his grip as he toned his muslces.
There are plenty of ways to devleop hand strength, I think that every single person reading this article has gee across a sporting good's store hand gripper, you know the ones with the plastic or foam coated grippers you see guys squeezing while they are driving to work, those grippers might be perfect for my eight year old nephew to train with, but for me personally repping a gripper hundreds of times and not even getting my forearms pumped seemed useless, I still use an easy gripper to isolate the pinkie index fingers but that about all I use it for
If you want real strong hand's for sports, or simply to impress your uncle with a bone crushing handshake, I suggest training with real aluminum grippers with the high quality springs, soon your foam coated grippers will be collecting dust somewhere and youll be on your way to developing a world class grip! Once you can do 8 - 12 Repetitions on a particular gripper move on up the grip ladder to a tougher gripper.
I gotta tell you that this " Underground Grip Sport " is truly addictive. A few years ago, Istarted training with real grippers once a week so I would have a better grip for sports, now I'm Training grippers, lifting Blobs( a block weight from a regular dumbell picked up deadlift style it is the Squat of grip training), Bending nails, Tearing Cards, Phonebooks and doing lots of Squats and Powerlifting movements to get overall stronger for my grip training, it truly is fun to see how far you can push yourself in this sport.
You should train all aspects of your grip, to have healthy strong hand's.
Crushing Grip: Shaking hand's with somebody, right there you are using the most familiar element of grip, a good firm hand shake is key for any man!
Grippers will do the job here, train just like you would with weight's, once your repping a gripper 8 - 12, move on to a harder gripper , have a variety of grippers one that you cna do reps easily with , one that you can only do a few repetitions with and one you cannot close but still are able to do negatives with by closing the gripper against your thigh.

Pinch Grip: Pinching somebody's arm or leg in grappling, wrestling armwrestling or picking up a weight is where you need to have a strong thumb, having a stong thumb determines your success or failure here.. you can have the strongest pinkie, ring, middle and index fingers in the world, but if your thumb is weak your pinch grip will also be weak, its as simple as that.
Use Block weights, Imtug grippers and all kinds of thick bar implements to train your thumb, A simple pony clamp will work great also!

Wrist Strength: It is very important to have strong wrists for any spor or physical activity, make sure to do wrist curls Reverse and regular wrist curls are a great exercise for the wrist and forearm.
A simple too called the wrist roller will not only help you develop wrist strength but will also add inches to your forearms, and thats something you cant geplain about.

(Here I am training with a Hex Block weight)

From Earning a living to enjoying your free time, grip strength and hand health are of primary importance, train smart and gain

Steve Pekarskiy

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