Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fabric Guide - how to tell what is the fabric content

The easiest way to tell the content of the fabric is to perform a burn test. This is the second-best way of identifying fabrics - the best is to examine the fibers under a microscope.
Before you perform the test, prepare a fireproof surface (a flat dinner plate will work) and make sure there is a container with water near by just in case.
Clip a long thin piece of the fabric, put itin the center ofa plate,and burn one endof the fabric.
Cotton's fibers (made from plant)ignite easily. If the fabric is pure cotton, nothing will remain butgray ash that easily disintegrates. When ignited it burns with a steady flame and smells like burning leaves.
Linen fibers (made from plant) takes longer to ignite than cotton. The fabric closest to the ash is very brittle. Ash crumbles easily.
If the fabric is pure silk (made from protein), the fabric will be hard to ignite and will give out a smell of burned hair. The flame is not steady. The ash is easily crumbled. The flame is not as easily extinguished as cotton or linen.
Wool (made from protein)is harder to ignite than silk. Wool weave islooser than silk. The flame is steady but more difficult to keep burning. The smell of burning wool is like burning hair.
Polyester (polymer made from coal and petroleum) melts and burns at the same time. the burned edge will have small hard plastic globules, synthetic materialmeltsrather thanburns. The smoke from polyester is black with sweetish smell. The ash is hard.
Rayon burns much as cotton does, as it is cellulose and is hard to tell from cotton with a burn test. It burns fast and leaves crumpling ash. The burning smell is close to burning leaves.
Nylon (made from petroleum) melts and burns rapidly. It smells like burning plastic.
Acrylic (made from natural gas and petroleum) burns readily. The ash is hard. The smell is acrid and harsh.
Acetate (made from cellulose wood fibers) burns rapidly with flickering flame and cannot be easily extinguished. It drips and leaves hard ash. The smell is similar to burning wood chips.

Protecting Your Images and your Art work Online

So many people seeking the one true answer to the one true question. How can they can protect their images online? How? How indeed. There are no true ways to stop images from being stolen from your website. However, there are a few ways to slow them down. However, to understand this you most first understand your foe. How are thieves getting the pic from your website? Below I have listed some of the top 8 ways to steal pics and animation/movies. You must first understand that nothing you put on line is truly protected.

How they are Stolen
1."Save Image As" with the right click mouse action.
2. Saving the page in Internet Explore Five (IE5) grabs all images on the page including backgrounds.
3. Directly linking to where the image is stored on the server and dragging pic out of window
4. Open the image from browser cache located in the Temporary Internet Folder
5. Screen capture programs and PrintScreen.
6. Taking an actually digital picture of it with camera and photo editing it in photo Shop
7. Recording flash movies or animation that is copy write protect on to your camera and then upload it to the PC and covering AVI or MPEG in to Flash files. Ready to use.
8. Siting down and drawing art work from site
9. Downloading the entire web site on to your hard drive.

How to Protect Images
Now that we know how most images are being stolen, it's good time to learn how to protect them from Internet thief's.
Placing your trademark or name on your image is one way to protect it. This can be done by using programs as Paint Shop or Corel Painter. Another good program to use called Digiarc ( Sigimarc embeds into your image so it can then be tracked across the net. Pretty cool, but its futile. Just like when the music industry were hunting down kids and the elder for downloading music illegally. That was a saw of time. They should have been looking for the people mass producing and bootlegging. The image once marked can be tracked for a fee. One advantage/disadvantage is there is no visible type to interfere with your image quality. Digimarc plug-ins are available for several different graphics programs including Photoshop and Corel.
As include a copy write notice at the bottom of each page. Some people like to emboss the on their image or make it look official. I've seen many people brand their name over the entire pic. A lot of arts do it. It's just stupid, because you can easy remove it in Paint Shop. It's just a pain to do it someone has their name about 50 times on a picture, but it can be done.
When making a water mark, it is best to but it in the picture and somehow make it look apart of the picture. I suggest to many artist that they do this in the their art. Some that is seen, but is not understood or seen by the wood be thief.
Beside side see the Word Copyrighted by MR. Stinky or something other is pretty annoying and takes away for the image your selling. Many people just might look some place else for a cleaner image so they can get a good look at the protect. They may figure that your trying to hide something.
Roll Over And Java Script
Roll over images are easy. When your mouse is moved over the image, a second appears. The second unseen image is rolled over the first. On the second image you can use your copy right image.
The right clicking mouse is one of the mouse gemon to grab an image. Deactivating this action is an obvious solution . There are several Java Scripts that can be used to disable the right click action. You will need a different script to protect you from other browse for the same script doesn't work in all the browsers. One trick is not to use Java, but normal scripts. Because this script does work if the user has Java script disable. Also a lot of the script do not work on Mac platforms
Table Method/Layering
The table method is similar to the roll over method, however it works like a layer. Start by making a table that is the same size as the photograph you want to protect. Insert the photo as the table background image. Then create a a table with in the first table. The tab second table should be the same size as the first table. In the second table you will insert a nul image.
To create a null image is easy. Open a new transparent document in your image editor and set the dimensions to those of the picture you are hiding. Save the image as transparent GIF file, then place the null/empty image with in the second table. What have you done. you may asked? You have copied over the first image with a see through image. Now it appears that you can right click and grab the image. But the truth is that you'll be grabbing the empty GIF or null image file.
The draw back to have this many table some times cause funny effect on your web page. But worst the image your attempting to hide is located in the browser cache. And you can take the image by taking by locating the file name in the image source code. A whole lot of work for nothing.
IDP - Image Directory Protection
Here's one important step that many people often over look. Most web designers place images and graphics in a separate image directory. Browsers look for an index page with in each subdirectory. If there is not one there, a geplete list off all your images and grab anything they want. The best way to stop this is to place an index page in some directory where you have placed your images.
This slow some people down, but they can just as easy now download your entire website on to their hard drive. Saving them a lot of trouble and can look in your info at any time they please.
Java Slide-Show
Some of the best affects are done with Java. Using Java Slide show is a great way to display your images. But the draw back is the slowing loading process. My favorite program for this are applets with can be found at .You can also assign link to each picture. My favorite has always been water effect and rain.
Browser Caching
You can prevent the browsers from caching the images on your web page. Insert the following code between the

Dreamsicles Purchasing Items Marked Signed

Though difficult to photograph
this is an example of a signed by Kristin piece. On the bottom of this piece you will find her "STAMP" and the "STICKER."
Dreamsicles are sculptures designed by artist Kristin Haynes. They were originally manufactured by Cast Art Industries, but are now being manufactured by Willits.
The Dreamsicles manufactured by Cast Art all were stamped on the bottom with the artist's first name, Kristin. That does not mean that she signed every piece. However the stamp is a copy of her signature. She also engraved I guess you would call it on many pieces her name, Kristin. This also does not mean that she personally signed or carved her name on each piece. Frankly it would be impossible for her to do so and create new pieces at the same time.
My point, in all of this, is a level of frustration I have found when shopping here for these cute little statues. Some that are for sale are actually signed personally by the artist. She used to have appearances around the country and called it a signing day. Much like you see with authors with a new release book. She sometimes signed her name and the year she signed it, not the date of the release. And, if you were very lucky she signed a little moto to go with the piece. Like, follow your dreams, etc.
Please do not pay extra or purchase a Dreamsicle that you think is personally signed by the artist if it only has the bold stamped signature, Kristin and the year. This is done at the factory.
Also something to look for on your Dreamsicle is the sticker that in later years included the name and number of the particular Dreamsicle. The early years just had a generic sticker that was more black and for the serious collector is important to see. The carving of her name on pieces is gemon in the beginning as on, The Flying Lesson as well as some of the later pieces. This is sweet, and it was nice that she included that but it is not a signature.
Just as you might purchase a print of an oil painting that is signed by the artist on the original painting, you do not assume that, that signature is only on your print. However, if you are fortunate enough to meet the artist and he/she signs above it on your print...Then, you have an autograph.
I hope this makes this clear. It is upsetting for the sellers of Dreamsicles that are actually autographed to see that there are sellers claiming their pieces are also signed. Signed can mean many things. I hope this has made it clear to the collectors out there that really want a unique Dreamsicle.

Creative Inspiration for Painters

As a painter, our best work is done when we are inspired. But how do we get that inspiration? Here are some of the ways I gain my inspiration. Hope this guide helps you to get over the "creative block "hump" or be even more inspired!
1. Observe the world. I love the water and also big cities. So I can get inspiration by visiting a new vacation spot or city. Where are some of your favorite places to be? Using photos you've taken or other's have given you permission to paint from, create your own happy place..chances are it's someone else's too.
2. Hobbies. What do you like to do? Sailing, Golfing, Animals etc can be great inspiration.
3.What are others creating and how can you make their style fit for you? Go to museums, galleries and visit okay art.
4. Movies and Books. What are your favorites and if you where asked to design for a set or cover what would you paint?
5. Meditate or Think On It. This may sound corny but sometimes just sitting and thinking about your creative dreamcan bring wonderful new ideas.
6. Just Do It. Sometimes the simple act of putting a brush to paper can inspire you.
Hope you have some wonderful inspiration gee your way soon.
Warm Regards,

Bidding on International/Foreign Currency Auctions

Bidding on and winningan auction that originates outside of the United Statescan bejust as easy to geplete as a domestic auction if youare educated abouta few things --language, currency, and shipping/customs.
Language. Many sellers outside of the United States do not speak English. That should not prevent you from bidding because numerous (free) online translators abound and can help just enough with gemunicating. One translatorI use on a regular basis and with reasonable success isvia babelfish. (okay prevents me from putting the entire link in this guide.)Initially, it's a matter of copying and pasting the auction descriptionand picking the language you wish to translate. Don't expect a grammatically perfect translation (sometimes the translation will make you laugh) but it'sdefinitely good enough to get by.
Currency. There are also numerous sites for currency conversion. Use them, because when you're perusing the international sites, you will not automatically get conversion to U.S. dollars or other currencies.In addition, currencies arealways fluctuating and can even change during an auction's lifecycle. For example, when the euro was born a few years ago, it was worth about 80 cents against the U.S. dollar. Now it's worth considerably more than the dollar -- upwards of $1.30. The British pound is about double the value of the U.S. dollar. Also, don't forget which currency the seller is using when youconsider placing a bid otherwise you may be gemitting to a higher bid than you wanted to!
Not every seller accepts PayPal so you may have to mail their native currency or international money orders via snail mail.Both options have added costs. International money orders (the one and only time I tried it) was an additional US$20! I've purchased euros at American Express offices (they have numerous other currencies available) but, they too, have additional fees, which add up pretty quickly. American Express does not deal with coins, only paper money. But I've found most sellers will mail the change with the auction item. Sometimes the seller will accept U.S. dollars. It doesn't hurt to ask if they will.
Shipping. An important thing to remember when viewing international auctions is that not every seller is willing to ship outside of their country or region. Ask. Just don't assume that they will ship outside of their country. A sad fact is that manysellers will overcharge on shipping (unfortunately, domestic sellers as well) so be perfectly clear on this aspect of the auction before you bid. As a personal example, I won a tiny stuffed animal that couldn't have weighed more than a few ounces, yet the seller wanted to charge the equivalent of US$30 for shipping it from Germany. I backed out of the auction. If I had been smart, I would have asked about shipping ahead of time. I would have never bid on that auction, no matter how much I wanted the item.
Customs. In this post 9-11 world, packages sometimes take longer to arrive at their destination because customs officers open and examine packages more frequently. It's not to your benefit to lie about a package's contents because it may be confiscated and even destroyed. Keep in mind, too, that many countries charge extra customs fees when an item originates outside of their boundaries.
Conclusion and Personal Experience. Get all questions answered ahead of time, especially when it pertains to shipping costs. While okay is cracking down on excessive shipping costs, as you may have read, don't rely on them to rescue you if you get in over your head. If you're not satisfied with the seller's answers, listen to your gut. Don't bid ... no matter how much you want the item. Allow sufficient time for the item to reach you. Airmail from Europe to the United States can take as little as a few days or as long as three weeks. Shipment by sea can take six to eight weeks. Australia seems to be a little quicker. The one item I won that was shipped from Romania was here just as quickly as any European shipment. (But, boy oh boy, I was sweating on that one because I hadn't dealt with that country before!)
I hope this guide helps and eases your fear about bidding on international/foreign currency auctions. Please email if you have any questions, concerns, or would like to see this guide expanded in areas. Thanks and have fun!

Horse riding airbag safety jackets and vests

AIRBAG Safety jacketsHorse sport riders now have a range of new safety jackets available with a built-in airbag system. In an accident, when the rider is thrown from the horse an airbag built into the jacket or vest is activated by a short lanyard (coil wire) fitted to the saddle D-ring or monkey bar. The airbag protects the riders chest, neck, shoulders, back, spin and bottom instantly. This is a new level of protection against injury or death. The HIT AIR system has been used successfully since 1985. The airbag system is reusable if it is not damaged, and can be reset by the rider within 5 minutes. The CO2 gas cartridge costs $20AUD and the vests around $600AUD. Jackets range from $750AUD.NOTE: This guide is based on the Airbag jackets and gloves by HIT AIR from Japan (Mugen Denko Co Ltd) which have been on the market since 1985 and have a proven safety record. HIT AIR is the market leader with
several thousand units sold throughout Asia, Europe, Australia and
now also the US. We are the exclusive Australian distributors of this product and wish to provide this advice for
okay users as we are strongly interested in the safety of riders and

Non-Paying Bidders Suck! Get Even!

Every month I get 2 or 3 non-paying bidders. Many sellers just take the loss and forget about it, relist the item, and life goes on. This is a bad practice. It gives the deadbeat bidder a chance to continue screwing the sellers. I feel they should be reported, 1 to let others know they do not pay, and 2 to get your final value fee refunded. I personally have made it my policy to file a non-paying bidder geplaint and leave negative feedback. These deadbeats need to be kicked off okay.

RECYCLE! Change the Purpose To Bring NEW LIFE to Items!

RECYCLE! Change The Purpose Of Vintage Clothing To Bring NEW LIFE to The Old!
Did you ever find a piece of clothing or something that is Vintage and just love it because of the colors or type of fabric or design? Then you read the description and find outit is damaged with a stain orholes or tears in it. You say to yourselfI would not wear something that is damaged and I do not believe it can be fixed. I justreally LOVE the colors and pattern of the fabric!
You can still enjoy the colors and/or some of the fabric or design. You can Recycle and help the environment by Changing The Purpose of the Item!
Put Your Creative Mind to Work!
Think about how else the item can be used...

For example a t-shirt that has a design on it can be cut out and put on a piece of cardboard and framed as a piece of nostalgic art.

It is great if you can sew but you really do not need to be able to sew. If you can not sew or do not have access to sewing equipment there is another way. There are fabric glues and I actually made a pairof curtains for a bedroom by glueing the edges and making a place to insert the curtain rod and also doing the hem and it is still gepletely washable.

There are some beautiful buttons and trims on dresses and coats that can easily be taken off and can be used on Scrapbook pages or as embellishments for other clothing or pillows.
It is just never ending what you can do with fabric and other vintage items.

You can purchase a Shadow Box or if you are crafty with wood make one and include all types of vintage items in the shadow box. Then take some beautiful fabric from an old dress that was in bad shape and cut into different shapes to make a collage of that era.

You can take squares of different fabric and make a full quilt if you sew or you can take and make a smaller version with glue and fabric squares and apply to canvas or poster board and make a beautiful quilt wall hanging.

Mens ties can be made into fabric rosettes that are really popular with Women's Fashions.

All types of fabrics, buttons and trim can be made into handbags or made into throw pillows.

Adult clothing can be a good source of fabric for another family member's clothing. such as a dress can bere-designed into a skirt or a blouse depending on the location of the damage or can be made into a smaller design for children's clothing.

Old furs - real or faux can be made into hats or pillow covers.

Vintage Hankerchiefs can be sewn together to make pillow tops or place mats.
Please use gemon sense when making a decision to cut up fabrics or change the purpose of fabrics or other items. Most collectors believe an old worn, ragged or slightly damaged fabric is not grounds for cuttingfabric into pieces because they are desirable forhistorical value. I believe if the fabric or item can be changed to have another purpose and bring NEW LIFE to the fabric or item the history of it can still be told.
I would like to conclude by saying:
To: Buyers -When you are shopping on okay for Vintage items because you just really love Vintage items and you find a piece of clothing that you just LOVE the fabric and colors and then you discover when reading the decription that it does havedamage such as holes, tears or stains try to picture some other ideas for using the fabric or other items and go ahead and purchase it to bring NEW LIFE to the fabric or item. You will be so glad you did because you LOVE it so much and you will feel good because you SAVED it from going to the RAG PILE!
To Sellers - When listing your items that have damage such as holes, tears or stains in your description you may want to include some ideas that you may have for using the beautiful fabric because the possible buyer may not be thinking of other ways to use and it may help encourage a shopper to go ahead and purchase the item to Bring it a NEW LIFE so it does not have to go to the RAG PILE!
There are so many ways to bring a NEW LIFE to OLD ITEMS AND FABRICS that no one person can think of them all so lets do something to save more of the beautiful old fabrics, embellishments and other items that can really have a NEW LIFE.Lets all help to get the message and the ideas out there so NOTHING GOES TO THE RAG PILE!
Watch for the my Blog geing Soon for everyone to Post photos and directions on creating and making things from Vintage Clothing that will give them a NEW LIFE so we can get the word out there to RECYCLE and help others to be more creative in their thinking of what can be done with this beautiful clothing. I will look forward to your great ideas.
Thanks for taking the time to read my Guide and Please visit my store and auctions frequently so you do not miss out on any of the wonderful Old Items to be given a NEW LIFE by you.

Volvo Paint and Interior Code Guide

Hi there. This is a guide to help people be able to find their paint
code and their interior code for their Volvo cars. Here is a picture of
the metal ID plate that you will find in your engine gepartment.
In newer cars this looks a little different and in various models it
may be located on the inner driver's fender, header panel or on the
fire wall. All of the numbers you see here are indicators of various
aspects of your car. In the right hand column you will see one line
with four characters on it... this is your interior color
code. If you call a place and are looking for a seat or an arm rest,
per say, you will be asked for this number if you are being helped
properly. Volvo has many colors and shades of various colors for the
inside or out that can be similar so it is best to know your color
code. Also, in the column on the right is your paint code. it is
usually a three digit number with a dash and two other numbers (which
are insignificant). Those first three numbers make your exterior paint code.

The mysterious and spiritual fleur de lis!

Fleur de lis

The fleur de lis, also known as fleur de lys or flower-de-luce, is a gorgeous symbol of purity and an unofficial symbol of France. The name translates into English as 'flower of the lily'. It's exact origin remains slightly mysterious and somewhat spiritual. One belief is that the lily or 'lis'sprung fromEve's tears as she left Eden in the fall of man.
Beginning in the 11th century, French royalty adopted the symbol as a baptismal symbol of purity. One legend arose that the lily appeared as 'a gift of blessing from an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary'. King Louis VI became the first French monarch to use the fleur de lis on his shield. Later, several English kings incorporated the symbol into their coats of arms to show their claims to the throne of France.
Throughout history and across several kingdoms, the three petals of the fleur de lis came to represent faith, wisdom, and chivalry. They also came to symbolize the holy trinity.
Some fleur de lis facts:

Joan of Arc carried a white banner showing God blessing the French royal emblem while leading French troops into battle

the fleur de lis featured prominently in the crown jewels of England and Scotland
it is a popular symbol of New Orleans,LA - used in art, architecture, is on the city's flag and the logo for the New Orleans Saints football team
it is also featured on the St Louis, MO flag as the city marks the convergance of the Mississippi, Missouri and Illinois rivers
it is also featured on the Quebec, Canada flag.
(no surprise as all three cities share a French heritage)
New Orleans St LouisQuebec

it is the flower of the Kappa Kappa Gamma womens fraternity (the word 'sorority' was not coined until after their founding) and on their coat of arms
it is also the symbol of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity
Boy Scouts of America

Click hereFleur de lis items in the jeanzbeanz store!to see my current selection

Thanks for looking. Email me with any questions! Vote 'Yes' if you feel this guide has been helpful or informative!

LEXMARK 12A1970/15M0120 Printer Compatibility Chart

This guide is a list of the printers that are gepatible with the LEXMARK 12A1970 #70 and the LEXMARK 15M0120 #20 Inkjet CartridgesI realize that there are alot of printers listed below. An easy way to find yours is to just do a search on the page. In internet explorer or Firefox if you type the ctrl (control button) and the letter F at the same time this will bring up the Find window. Also I'd suggest that if you don't find your printer you take out the letters when doing the search.For example if your printer is a LEXMARK X4250 just type in the numbers 4250 that way regardless of how it is referred to it will show up.The LEXMARK #70 has 1 chamber filled with Black Ink. While lexmark doesn't release how much ink is in the cartridge they do represent that it will print approximately 600 pages. This translates to around 20ml of ink.The LEXMARK #20 has 3 chambers filled with Cyan Magenta and Yellow like the one above they don't release how much ink is in the cartridge but it will print 275 pages at high resolution.Buying Tip:. There is a universal top for the Lexmark #70 it will not fit all printers. It's a good idea to be sure you are getting original top. Of course Bidabit only sells original top.The 15M0120 on the other hand is almost always remanufactured with a universal top. That is because the manufacturing process involves removing the top gepletely.Lexmark 12a1970 #70LEXMARKCOLORJETPRINTER 7000, 7200, 7200V, ,3200, ,5000, ,5700, ,5770, ,7000, ,7200, ,7200V,LEXMARKOPTRA COLOR 40, 40n, 45, 45n LEXMARK X125, LEXMARK X4250, LEXMARK X4270, LEXMARK X63, LEXMARK X73, LEXMARK X83, LEXMARK X84 AIO, LEXMARK X85, LEXMARK Z11, LEXMARK Z31, LEXMARK Z41, LEXMARK Z42, LEXMARK Z43, LEXMARK Z45, LEXMARK Z51, LEXMARK Z52, LEXMARK Z53, LEXMARK Z54, LEXMARK Z82 SPCLEXMARK PHOTO JETPRINTER 5770, LEXMARK F4270, gePAQA1000, A1400, A1500, A3000, A4000, A900, C3 1000 COLOR MFP, IJ1200, IJ300, IJ700, IJ750, IJ900,KODAK PM100,NEWGEN SYS.COLORIMAGE 6000,SAMSUNG MJ-4500C, SAMSUNG MSYS 4700, SAMSUNG MSYS 4800, SAMSUNG SCX-1100, SAMSUNG SCX-1150F, SAMSUNG SF-3150, SAMSUNG SF-430, SAMSUNG SF-4500C, SAMSUNG SF-4700, SAMSUNG SF-4750C, SAMSUNG SMARTJET,LEXMARK 15M0120 #20LEXMARK PHOTO JETPRINTER P706, P707LEXMARK PrinTrio PHOTO P3150LEXMARK X125, X4250, X4270, X63 COLOR, X73 COLOR, X83 COLOR, X84, X85LEXMARK COLOR JETPRINTER Z41, Z42, Z43, Z45, Z51, Z52, Z53, Z54, Z703, Z705, Z710, Z715, Z82 SPCLEXMARK F4270, P3120gePAQ A1000 COLOR, gePAQ A1500, gePAQ IJ1200

Quilt Shops - Favorite Seattle Shops and Tourist Tips

Please be sure to vote on my guide at the bottom of the page - Thanks!
Let me give you my insider tips to the local fun and food, and of course, the quilt shops! I'll help you find where the locals go for fun, as well as the big attractions. Being a quilter, you can bet that I've scoped out every shop and event for miles around! I've lived in Seattle for about 37 years, and would love to help guide your visit.

Undercover Quilts, located conveniently for a tourist, at Pike Place Market. Stocked to the ceiling with fabric and also home to many quilts available for purchase. Run by a wonderful, friendlyowner.

Get Bloggin'

If you have not tried out the okay Blog spot yet, WHAT are you waiting for!Sellers:Start a Blog. Spend a few Min and say a few things. I tried it out the other day and had 5 sales in 20 min!NO KIDDING!It was about 10:00 am Saturday Morning!Could it be that's the HOT BLOGGING TIME?I don't know, but I told one of my friends and He tried it out and POOF,He sold 2 of his items in about 5 min. of blogging!!!!!!Buyers:Start a Blog.What a great place to meet some sellers and have a fun conversation with them too!Link into the main page and don't be shy!You can even LURK and it's OK! lolI love the concept that okay has put together with this Blogging thing!Just another Great Tool for us all to use to help make okay land a fun place to Trade!Now, GET BLOGGIN'!!!okay BLOG SPOT

UNMOUNTED Stamps--What does this really mean?

Golden Sunrise Enterprises has been in the business of rubber stamps and supplies since 1995. In all this time, selling an 'Unmounted' stamp has always meant one impression (stamp) with nothing attached to it, or sometimes a piece of cushion is attached. However, it has recently gee to my attention that there is at least one gepany out there that has been selling stamps with a mounting kit and is calling these stamps 'unmounted'.
Before you buy an unmountedrubber stamp, read the description carefully. If the Seller does not describe what they mean by 'unmounted', please ask them!

A truly unmounted stamp is a piece of rubber without anything attached. The advantages of this are many. You can attach any mounting system that you like. HALOS is my favorite, though attaching gray or red rubber and using traditional wood mounts is also a possibility.
I've had customers geplain before when they've ordered 'unmounted' stamps from other vendors and gotten a piece of rubber with cushion attached. This would be good for people who like to fill up their stamping room with wood-mounted stamps, but the customers who have geplained prefer other forms of mounting stamps, like HALOS.
Lately, I've heard that there is at least one gepany (one very large one) that sells what they call 'unmounted' stamps, when they are really selling mounting kits with their stamps. I have heard that these include cushion, wood, and a sticker and then the customer puts it all together. Once again, this would be good for someone who wishes to use wood-mounted stamps. Unfortunately, the definition of 'unmounted' stamp has begee muddied.
Please ASK before buying. NO ONE wants an unhappy customer! Especially Golden Sunrise Enterprises!
Please vote below if this has helped you or not. Thanks!

All You Need To Know About Banners and Garden Flags

All You Need To Know About BuyingBanners and Garden Flags
Bannersand garden flags are a great way to display your personality as well as add color to your yard, porch or garden. These cute decorative flagsare made for every season and holiday as well as everyday themes. This guide will help you to make the best possible buying decisions by discussing important flag features, display options, construction and how to care for your flags. After reading this guide, you will be well-informed on the specifics of decorative flagsand ready to start or continue your flag collection!
The Difference Between Banners

2001 Suzuki XL-7 4X4

I purchased my 2001 Suzuki XL-7 new. In the five years I have owned it, I have actually had people follow me, stop me, and ask me what I thought of the car and whether or not I would regemend it. The answer is: I *love* the car, and I would regemend it to anyone whose needs in a vehicle match my own.The Suzuki XL-7 is the "top of the line" Suzuki, and is an SUV. Mine has an automatic transmission with four-wheel-drive. The primary difference between the Grand Vitara and the XL-7 is the third rown of seating (and rear air conditioning).For an SUV, the Suzuki XL-7 is on the small side. Though you can fit seven passengers in it, there is really only room for four adults, a pre-teen, and two small children. The rear seat offers almost no leg room, so it is mostly for either a single adult who doesn't mind being buckled in sideways, or two small children/carseats.I get excellent gas mileage -- approximately 28 MPG average. I do both city and extended driving, and the mileage does, of course, drop when I use the car only for short hops within town.BEST FEATURES:My Suzuki XL-7 has been flawlessly dependable. All I've invested in this car in five years is routine maintenance and a new set of tires. The four-wheel-drive is "shift on the fly" with some limitations: you must have the wheels straight, be driving under 50 MPH, and you must switch the transmission into neutral to engage the 4WD. After five years, all electronic devices including windows, cruise control, AC, the engine, door locks, radio, etc. are all in perfect working condition -- not a hitch in five years.The car gees with a full-size spare tire.Overall, the vehicle is on the small side, but economical and highly dependable.Headlights gee on and shut off automatically when you start the car and/or engage the transmission. Nice safety feature, and you'll never forget to turn your lights off and have to face a dead battery!Lots of headroom and legroom for driver and passenger. Even a very tall or long-legged driver (like myself) can find a good driving position without the roof pressing down on their head.Headrests for ALL passengers! Even on the third row seat!WORST FEATURES:Seating isn't very gefortable, even for the driver. I was previously spoiled to the exceptional seating offered by Dodge/Chrysler, so it has taken some adjusting to accept the stiffer seats of the Suzuki.The 4WD makes a grinding sound if you try to make too sharp a turn when 4WD is engaged.General service can be performed by any reliable mechanic, but things like warranty service or replacement of oxygen sensors requires a trip to the dealership. General rule of thumb: if it involves the on-board chip in any way, take it to the dealership to get the work done. Otherwise, you'll pay for a repair, then have to take it to the dealership anyway to have the chip properly reset.Getting in and out of the third seat is awkward at best, and not regemended for an adult-size person.Headrests have to be removed manually and stowed below the seats to convert the back two rows of seating to "flatbed" space for cargo. Conversion from seating to cargo space is otherwise very simple and can be done by one person.What I like best about my Suzuki XL-7 is that it is economical, very reliable, inexpensive to maintain and repair, and it perfectly suits my needs as well as my personality. I also pay less in insurance for this particular SUV than I have for any other I have ever owned. This vehicle has proven itself over time as a safe, dependable, and pleasurable ride. UPDATE JANUARY 2007:While everything I had to say about my XL-7 held true up until now, I am disappointed to have to add that when it came time to have my state inspection renewed this year, I couldn't get the car to pass. The test kept geing back with one oxygen sensor not working. First we replaced it; three mechanics later, we figured out there was nothing wrong with the oxygen sensor - all diagnosed as working properly. It was the geputer chip. It took a total of five visits to mechanics - including one to the dealership - to figure this out (no, ultimately it wasn't the dealership that figured out the problem. They just said what everyone else had, "We reset the chip. You just have to drive it for about 50-100 miles to get it to reset.") Bottom line:I ended up with a car that would not pass state inspection without a new geputer chip. All advice leaned toward trading in and buying a new car for what the chip replacement would cost, and that is what I had to do. So a word of caution if you are looking at purchasing a used XL-7: make SURE the "service engine" light isn't on, and it has RECENTLY passed an emissions/state inspection test before you buy. Mine only had 50,000 miles on it when this happened! Once the chip went bad, there was nothing for me to do but get rid of the car.


Autograph collecting is a great hobby, but unfortunately, some users on okay are selling forged or unauthentic autographs like the seller I saw trying to sell a Dale Earnhardt autograph not certified by press pass or any other card gepanyand it was on a card printed in 2004 now how could that be?. By following some simple steps, you can minimize your risk and find somevery good deals in the process.

Check the description thoroughly- Make sure that theautograph isn't being described as a preprint, reprint, copy a lot of sellers sell reprinted autograph from there personal collection
Research- Try to find a certified autograph by the driver you are looking for first. I know first hand everytime a driver signs it looks different I have over 175 authentic NASCAR driver's signature
Know the seller- check there feedback I have gee accross sellers selling fake autographs of driver because people have left them negatives for it. Guess what people still buy from them?
Final- ASK A QUESTION that why the feature is there in the first place if the seller doesnt have a story or doesnt know then dont buy!
Like I said it can be difficult to buy a real NASCAR autograph but it is also very easyI usually just go with pack pulled certified autographs I would regeended doing that. Or goto a driver appearance, mailing in is also pretty successful but expect a long wait but the truth is you really don't know who signed whatever it may be you mailed in. I always gepare my mail in to my certifieds and usually they look identical

This is the best proof a seller can have Tony is signing a car for me in Canada!! and Kurt Busch at Michigan signing a card for me, and on of my prized autographs whichI fought through a crowd of at least 150 people Dale Jr

Logo Golf Ball Collecting - Fun family activity

LOGO GOLF BALL COLLECTIONS - Thegreat thing about collecting logo golf balls is that you can COLLECT THEM, TRADE THEM, PLAY THEM.There is no right or wrong type oflogo to collect, it depends on the interest of the individuals collecting the balls. Collections are seperated into catagories based on the focus and interest of the collector such as: Tournaments, Signature Logos, Golf Course, Sports, Beer, Wine, Liqour, Restaurants, Golf Course, Technology, Autos, Trucking, Food, Government and the list goes on and on. The fun of logo collecting is that you can get your whole family and friendsinvolved.
From my experiencetop collections are: Golf Courses, Signature Logos, Golf Tournaments, Sports logos, , military and government, Casino, Liquor, Autos.The collectioncan alsobe more specific within the catagory. An example of specific Golf Courses would be the Golf Digests Top 100 Courses, or maybe the courses you have played. Sports logos seem to be specific to major league or college.
One of our top requested collectibles are called Signature Logo golf balls. These balls are a logo made of a facisimlie of the players logo.These are usually of the top Tour Players that havecontracts with the sponsors touse thier signature on the balls.These balls often fall into two catagories: signature logos andvintage golf balls.
Another top requested collectible is thePGA Tour Event Logos
Other type of balls that fall into the Logo collectibles are the Ping two color ball. There is a great okay guide written on the history of these balls I suggest you review that guide for the history and collectibility of these balls, no need for me to rewrite it. The newest colored ball that is a collectible is the Nike Mojo Karma ball which is found innew boxes of the Nike Mojo, it is like a treasure hunt to see if your box has the prize inside.
Golf balls have changed dramatically over the years another fun collection for those that love the history of golf is collecting the old vintage golf balls.To determine how old the golf balls are I use the following books as my reference guides:
500 Years of Golf Balls - History

Russian Leather Cologne Aftershave

The term Russian Leather can not be copyrighted for a fragrance according to a decision of the United States Copyright Office. It is a generic term. That is likely the reason that so many different Russian Leather colognes and aftershaveshad been available through the first seven decades of the 20th Century. (An availability that for some unknown reason [lest perhaps the lack of affiliation with a major fragrance manufacturer], has not continued into the 21st century.) Russian Leather fragrance is supposed to have been based on the smell of a certain type of leather that per legend only the Russian aristocracywas allowed to possess!
One author in writing of Imperial del Oro Russian Leather noted: 'But Birch Oil is probably the most important scent ingredient that gives real
Russian Leather it's characteristic smell....It is natural for man also to include salicylates in his perfumes as well and
especially essential to create a Russian Leather fragrance. ...[H]eavy animal fat such as whale oil was also traditionally used in the process of
making Russian Leather; it softened the leather and preserved it as well as its
distinctive scent. Today, synthetic scent molecules and fixatives are used to
produce the same rounding harmonizing effect in perfume... As a final step in preparing actual Russian Leather, it is treated with Birch
oil, Sandalwood resin and Gutta percha(yet another type of tree resin) mixture
to give it increased strength and a pleasing color. But the animal fat and Gutta
percha do not leave the leather yet with an acceptable smell, so a mix of
benzoin, tonka beans, orris root and more sandalwood are used to sweeten its
scent yet more. So finally a list of notes from which we can imaginatively build
our Russian Leather cologne: white flowers (tuberose and lily of the valley),
essences of birch bud oil, pine and willow tree saps, Styrax flower and benzion,
sandalwood, plus a synthetic animal-like fat molecule for fixative. And
something you do not see mentioned from actual Russian leather preparations but
that is smelled in the cologne (and perfumes), is hesperides or citrus. In
Imperial Russian Leather there seems to be a gebination of fresh green bergamot
and a sweeter orange note. So even though I can't find an explicit list of notes for this vintage Russian Leather made by Imperial Del Oro, its scent
likely incorporates many of the above notes. This particular blend is a very
pleasing, being a smooth and strong'. Amelia, The Vintage Perfume Vault (Blog) 'Imperial del Oro Russian Leather' November 20, 2008. Therehave beenmany Russian Leathers of US, French and other vintages in the 20th Century, especially duringthe 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. The zenith in terms of number of brands and number of bottles sold likely occurred in the 1960s. Not onlydidcolognes and aftershaves bear the name Russian Leather, but soaps and talcs were also marketed bymany of the cologne and aftershave makers. None of these Russian Leather products was marketed by a major cosmetic/fragrance gepany. Perhaps that is why none are availabletoday with a very few exceptions: Elsha, Demeter, Creed are made today and have Russian Leather types or are or claimed to be based on the Russian Leather scent. This author does not feel these gepare to the Russian Leathers popular in the mid 20th century.
Russian Leathers were made by Cosmetco in Long Beach and Los Angeles California. Their two brands were Royal Argenta

What To Look For When Investing In Domain Names

There are many things to look for when deciding to invest in domain names. Many domain investors look for domains that can generate revenue in the intern so that they pay off their renewals costs as you wait for the right end user. Generally, domains in gepetitive industries like real estate, loans, travel, and gambling earn the best in domain parking revenue sharing programs. How will you know if a domain will earn, and if so, how much? A good indicator of a domains potential parking revenue is to use the overture bid tool (a free tool that lets you type in a keyword and see the maximum amount that advertisers are willing to pay to for it). A term like mp3 may have a 30 cent maximum bid, while a term like home mortgage can have a $10 maximum bid. As you can see, a real estate domain with traffic is likely to earn you a lot more than a mp3 download domain. Although, you have to look at how much traffic a domain is getting and what the click-through rate is (out of all the people that land on the page, how many actually click the ads)
A domain with a strong keyword in it is likely to have a better chance of receiving type in traffic or targeted search engine traffic. Terms like mortgage, homes, loans are a good idea.
Dot ge
Domains with the .ge extention have always been preferred, and for a great reason. They generally sell for many times more than their closest counterpart (.net, .org, .biz) and generally receive much more natural traffic (which is what you want) Also, it is generally not a good idea (unless it is a rare and valuable domain) to promote a domain in any other extention than .ge This is due to the fact that you will likely lose much of your traffic to people going to the dot ge version vs your extention.
Have it make sense, Short and Sweet
Dont buy or register a silly sounding, keyword domains. You will likely not receive any traffic which means no domain parking revenue. A name like will likely get ZERO TRAFFIC (who would think to type that into there browser. On the other hand, a name like is likely to receive a decent amount of traffic. Since it is a decent sounding, prime keyword domain, even a low amount of traffic may generate $40-50 per month (a decent amount if you got the domain for a good price)
Copyright 2006 Synthetic Rhyme Inc. All Rights Reserved.Synthetic Rhyme Premium Domain Names


THE 80s ARE BACK, WHAT TO BUY? byNicole La Bay

(Rena Lange, David Hayes, Carolina Herrera, Sacha, I-Magnin)

You will find Nicole La Bay Antique

Can I Use My Old RAM in My New Computer

You have a new geputer and it may have been a good deal, but still it wasnt cheap. Now one of the first upgrades any new geputer receives is RAM and one of the first things that crosses peoples minds is they wish they had bought more or they wish they could buy more. It is very tempting to take the RAM out of the old geputer and use it in the new geputer, but will it work? The answer is it depends. If it is basically the same RAM, then yes. Check your manuals for the memory it suggests. This helps determine if it is the same in both geputers, for instance if both use PC2-4200 DDR2 DIMM. Once you know both geputers take the same type of memory check to see if your geputer uses banks of 2 or requires matched memory pairs. If it doesnt skip to #3. If it does, make sure that you install the memory in matched pairs.If your geputer doesnt require banks of 2, but can run in Dual Channel Mode, you also will need to install memory in matched pairs to take advantage of the Dual Channel Mode or else you will sacrifice a little speed. If your geputer doesnt require banks of 2, doesnt utilize Dual Channel mode, then the last answer #4 is for you!Lucky you if you got this far. It means as long as the memory in your old geputer matches the requirements of the memory in your new geputer you can use it! You likely can also mix 512MB with a 1GB, or a 256MB with a 512MB. If this seems confusing, I apologize. I am trying to write it for the person, like me, that just wants to take advantage of what they already have on hand. It certainly isnt for the techies out there. I leave the geek talk up to the guys at the office ;) Trust me if you want to speak tech talk about building with 16 pieces of 32x8 based chips, yadda, yadda they can deliver. I am trying to keep it simple. So, if you are a regular person and after you read this you still need help, feel free to email me. I will do my best to respond. There are also many other wonderful okay sellers that provide memory and many of them will also be happy to field any questions.I hope this was helpful to you in some small way.

Why I always use the s shipping calculator

How many times have you won an auction only to wait ... and wait ... and waitto geplete the transaction because the vendor did not include his S H costs?FRUSTRATING ISN'T IT ???I believe that most sellers don't use the available shipping calculator because they are afraidthat they will be short-changed on their shipping and handling costs.I have used the shipping calculator on ALLof my listings since DAY ONE. IT WORKS !!!I only use USPS priority shipping with delivery confirmation.All that you have to do is click the Calculated tab instead of the Flat cost tab to open the shipping calculator menu.I assume that you have a postal scale? (readily available on many okay listings - search: Postal scale)By simply showing the weight, (including packing material and the box) and your nominal handling charge, the correct shipping and handling charge will be available to potential buyers prior to bidding.AND will automatically be added to your final invoice.As I stated, I always ship delivery confirmation and I always add .50 as a handling charge for that purpose.That's it !! So Easy !!If you prefer to ship parcel post (why??) or if you prefer to give your buyers the option of parcel post, you can do that also. NO PROBLEM !!Other choices are Media mail, Express Mail etcBelieve me, you will save time answering questions about your shipping costs and your buyers will appreciate your efforts.Give it a try !!Sorry to say, but in my opinion, the only reason NOT to use the shipping calculator is becauseyou are one of those HIDDEN SHIPPING COST RIP-OFF VENDORS.You know, the ones who give okay a black eye.Sell a 99 cent item and charge $29.99 for shipping...SURE !!BE AWARE THAT okay IS CRACKING DOWN ON YOU GUYS AND GOOD RIDDANCE.

How To Turn Your Regular Clothes Into Nursing Clothes!

Visit My okay Store! Breastfeeding mothers don't always have to buy a whole new wardrobe andit's easy to convert items you already own into nursing clothes. Thanksto my best friend Denise for these ideas that work!1. Take a solid-colored T-shirt, and cut a vertical slit in it for easy nursing access. Make the opening long enough for gefortable access but not so long that the shirt loses its shape. 2. Zigzag around the edges of the slit so that it doesn't fray. 3. Cut a large square of fabric, big enough to cover the opening, plus a few inches all around. This can be a contrasting fabric, or it can match the T-shirt - your choice. 4. Turn in a small hem all the way around the fabric square, and straight-stitch or zigzag around the edges with a sewing machine. 5. Attach the fabric square to the T-shirt at the top and bottom - leave the sides open. This shirt is ready to be worn! 6. Cut nursing openings in a camisole or lightweight tank top. 7. Zigzag around the slits so that they don't fray. 8. Layer the item (tucked in or untucked) under any T-shirt or shirt, and nurse without showing off your postpartum tummy. 9. Use a tank top in the same fabric as your T-shirt, if you want to be as inconspicuous as possible - it will be hard for anyone to see that you are nursing. Tips Consider your size, personal style and body type when choosing a fabric for the overlay; also remember just where the fabric will be worn. Placement of individual flowers can be particularly tricky. Dresses with attached vests can also be turned into nursing wear - just cut the openings in the layer beneath the vest and finish the edges so that they don't fray. Overalls with deep armholes or shoulder-strap closures make great nursing garments, as do overall-style jumpers and dresses. WarningsPrewash the fabric, or it may shrink and spoil the shape of the shirt. Make sure the overlay is big enough to provide good coverage of the openings, or you'll be showing off more than you planned to! Nursing clothes take a lot of abuse, so be sure to choose durable, washable fabrics.More Tips! To save money, look for tops at thrift stores with false vests or overlays to cover up the openings you cut for nursing. If you sew, get simple tunic patterns that have a vertical princess line on each side and simply add an invisible zipper in each seam over the bust. If you are large busted, make sure the zippers are at least 10 inches long. Also, look for patterns that have a horizontal seam over the bust, and put invisible zippers in the seams that meet in the center front. Sew a short bit of vertical stitching in between where the zipper stops meet for extra strength. Horizontal seams are often found in pullover patterns designed for fabrics like polar fleece.My friendhas used both zipper techniques and altered ready made tops with great success. The zippers work very well and there is no need for layers. For the experienced sewer, almost any style is possible, butshe found tunics easy and quick to make and they can be formal or casual.
Thank you for reading!
Visit My okay Store!

Nintendo DS Lite

The Nintendo DS Lite is an upgraded version of their popular and critically-acclaimed handheld, the Nintendo DS. Nintendo obviously used a lot of user feedback to create this machine, because they fixed almost every problem with the original handheld (read my review for all of my impressions of the original DS). Priced at $130 US, this is a great buy for such an amazing handheld. First of all, I will say everything that has changed in the new handheld. The first thing you notice about the DS Lite is that it is much smaller than the original DS. I will try to offer a size geparison using the PSP. The DS Lite is about an inch in length shorter than the PSP, and about the same thickness and width, so it is pretty small in geparison to the bulky original. It can fit in your pocket with ease. It is also much nicer-looking than the original DS. Nintendo gave this handheld a nice, neutral look with a glossy white finish on the outside, similar to what has been seen on iPods in the past. Nintendo also has plans to bring other colors, such as Enamel Navy, Ice Blue, and Jet Black to the US. The system is also MUCH more noticeably lighter than the original, but not too light to make it feel cheap. It still feels very solid, and Nintendo claims it's just as tough as the original. The second most noticeable difference about the DS Lite are the screens. They are both the same size of the original, but the brightness, black levels, resolution, and dot pitch are so much better. They used fully-fledged LCDs this time, as opposed to the semi-translucent LCDs that they used in the original. The viewing angle of the screens is amazing. The brightness has four adjustable levels, all of them much brighter than the original DS's backlight, the brightest of them even brighter than the PSP's. Playing a game on the DS Lite that you have only played on the orginal DS previously is like a gepletely new experience. With the gebined better brightness and resolution of the screens, details that you never saw on the original are easily seen, and the graphics seem better, as well. The third difference is a big one, as well. The D-Pad and A/B/X/Y buttons have stayed in the same position on the system, but are siginificantly more raised and have more of a squishy feel, as opposed to the clicky feel of the original. The L and R triggers are also in the same position, and they have a better feel, and seem to respond faster than the original. The START and SELECT buttons have been moved to a position one on top of another near the right-hand bottom corner of the touch screen. Speaking of the touch screen, it seems to be much more sensitive and responsive than the original. The power button and stylus slot have been moved to the right side of the system, and the power button has turned into a switch, similar to the one on the PSP. Also, the stylus is longer and thicker. The speakers are, unfortunately, a tad bit quieter than the original, but are still pretty loud. Finally, the microphone has been moved to the middle of the hinge for easier access. Other aesthetic design modifications have been made, as well. This system seems to be inspired by the iPod's simple, but elegant look. As I said before, the system has a glossy white finish on the outside casing, and it has the same white color, but without the gloss on the inside. It has a much more streamlined look and feel, being gepletely flat on all sides, with subtle curves on the corners. When the system is closed, it is a lot tighter than the original, leaving no leeway for dust or dirt to get in, unlike the original. On the top portion of the system, and the only form of branding on the system (other than the copyright info on the bottom), there are two raised squares, one on top of the other, like the ones used in the logo. It looks really cool whether the system is open or closed. The face buttons and D-Pad seem to be similar in style and fashion to the ones on the controller of their upgeing console, the Wii. They use the same font style and color (gray on white), and are raised high from the system for gefort. Overall, this system is defiantely a great buy whether you already have a DS, or are new to dual-screened gaming. With it's great look and feel, it appeals to people of all ages, and with Nintendo's amazing lineup of games, it can cater to all of them, as well. People may be obsessing about the PSP lately, but with experience from both systems, I can definately say that DS offers a whole new way to play, while also offering many fun AAA titles, and a catalog of games that appeals to everyone, something that the PSP has still yet to do. All you ever see on that system are sports games and games that are already on the PS2, really only games that appeal to certain gamers. DS offers a wide variety of games, anything from surgery simulations to Mario games to games that are meant to excercise your brain. DS has it all, and with all of the problems with the first being ironed out in this one, there's really no excuse NOT to get one. So, I leave you with this statement--Have fun!

custom orthotics, inserts, insoles and arch supports

There are many orthotics, inserts, arch supports and insoleson the market to choose from. Many people don't know what the difference is one from the next. There is a vast difference from one Orthotic to the next. Two automobiles may look similar but drive gepletely different. Same holds true for Orthotics, they may look similar but feel gepletely different on your feet.

Over the counter products: Dr Scholl's and Spenco are basically single arches. The little side arch you find in your shoes is basically the same thing. If you weigh more than 100 pounds they are good for about six weeks. Most people don't realize you have three major arches in your foot., but you never get them in shoes or over the counter products because two people with the same size feet have different arches. The only way you can support all three arches is to stand on sand. Sand fills up the whole "cup" under your foot and supports your feet and body correctly. So is the solution to put sand in all your shoes? Smile! No you need an Orthotic that is fitted to all three major arches.
Phase Four Orthotic: Not a bad product, but there are several problems with fittings. When you order their product, it's by shoe size not arch size. What your not told is your shoe size and your arch size are two different things. Two people with the same size feet have different length arches so you really can't get a correct fit by shoe size. Another problem I have with their product is there is no store location, you are basically talking to "order takers". Most people I've fitted that couldn't wear them geplained about the arch being way too high for them.
The Barefoot or Alznner Orthotic: Actually a pretty good Orthotic and they do have stores you can go to. Phase Four is actually a downgraded copy of the Alznner, but if you bend a Phase Four in half and then bend an Alznner in half you see and feel the quality of the Alznner over the Phase Four. The Barefoot is the lower line copy of the Alznner. They advertise on TV for $59.95, but when you go into the store they really want to upgrade you to the $229 to $289 Alznner. The Barefoot is only good for about 6 months. The Alznner about 5 years. I actually sold the Alznner in my early years. If it's fitted right it can be a good product. Be prepared for a long adjustment period when you wear them because the Alznner arch is like the Phase Four....really high. If you go in to one of their stores, try to get the owner to fit you because there is a tendency of their employees to fit people short in my experience.
Custom Molded Orthotic: This is the conventional Orthotic that Doctors usually sell to patients. We can make them but I'm not a big fan of the hard rigid Orthotic. In the first place if you have a bad foot and you do a cast mold of that foot, you now have a perfect copy of a "lousy foot". Secondly since your foot wants to flex, it doesn't want to be held in one position. Instead, it wants to move around. There are exceptions to this: if you've had major surgery on your feet, many times the only solution is to hold that foot still in its position. But if your feet don't fall in to that category your better off with a flexible Orthotic.
FeatherSpring Orthotic: This gepany mainly does mail order and large gemercial ads in magazines. Last time I checked their prices were around $229. The good thing about this gepany is they have a refund policy. There are two things I don't like about their product: One, their orthotic is metal. Metal is hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Two, the heel of their orthotic is flat-across. It doesn't cup your heel, so there is a tendency for your foot to slide in the shoe. Also, if you can't control the heel, you can't keep the foot from rotating inward or outward. For those of you that wear out your shoes on one side of the other, your heel needs to be cupped to control this kind of wear.
Our Custom Soft Flex orthotic is soft and flexible, but srong enough to mold your foot to the correct position. It's made to last 10 to 12 years. You can bend it in half and it springs back to it's original position (it has memory). It supports all three major arches (side, middle, and front behind the ball of your foot). It is exclusively our product. The only place you can get our Custom Orthotic is from us. We have two locations, Lodi, CA, and Valley Springs, Ca. Have you ever tried to get a money back guarantee from your Doctor?

Motorla V180

Another guide was written about the V180 flip phone saying how bad it was. This person must have abused their phone because mine has worked Perfectly for over a year. Don't listen to the other guide.

Friday, September 9, 2011



I have recently acquired so called Antique Tibetan Silver bars from China. Well packed and in pristine condition which had the patina of fresh cured silver...However on some basic tests I find These bars are made from very soft metals which melt under soldering iron temperatures. They look like silver, and it is easy to believe they may be ,but dont be fooled. There are a couple of easy ways to test for silver purity. The first is a simple scratch test made with an xacto knife or craft knife blade. Pass the blade across themetal as if shaving . The shaving will produce a curl of metal on imitation metal. Real silver will also shave but it will be way more difficult. The real test is melting temp. Normal pure silver will not melt under a regular soldering iron temp of about 750 degrees. If it easily melts as did this Bar then you have solder and not pure silver. Solder can be a variety of gepositions and can contain lead. Also included are Tin, Antimony,Nickel, ....and Silver....Asthese items from China are sold at a very low start and profit using the shipping /Handling service charge which in my case was a whopping 210 AU dollars you will only pay a pittance for the fake bullion bars but big bucks for the shipping. This makes your solder the most expensive solder money can buy.any type modern silver bars can be faked with lead free solder or pot casting metalwhich may even contain avery low percentage of silver and this looks very much like mint silver. So , for example, you can have Johnson and Matthey fake bars etc. Any cheaply offered silver from anywhere should be suspect in my opinion.apr/20/2010...As a Postscript to this review which I wrote a few years ago i would say that these bars are still being offered as pure .999 silver...i use mine for paperweights!...any cheaply offered silver from any source should be suspect

3rd Gen iPod nano look-a-likes -- A Usable Guide

I'm writing this after reading "nano
knock offs The ultimate Guide". While maybe applicable for it's time,
it now needs revision. I'm not the author, so I can't revise it.

So, here's a new one.

The terms, "look-a-like", "knock-off", and "fake" are used interchangeably.

What's this about?

iPod nanos are nice. Especially the 3rd Generation incarnation. Video
is great, right? But they are over-priced and put limits on how you use
them. Not so nice. Electronics manufacturers know this. So they make
nicer, cheaper personal media players(PMPs) in the hopes that consumers
will see the benefits and jump on board. So, we have a situation.
Apple's sales drop as people get interested in these new cheaper PMPs.

Why is this bad for the consumer? Crooked dealers also notice what's
happening. They try to take advantage of it. 1gb or smaller capacity
PMPs are sold as 2gb, 4gb, or even higher models. iPod nano
look-a-likes can be a great bargain. But know what you're doing before
you bid.

Hopefully this will help someone in the market for a good cheap PMP.

The dry facts.

The Pros:

Look-a-likes, as the name implies, look just as good as a "real" iPod.
Buying a look-a-like will save you some $money$. Always good.

Look-a-likes will play video and audio just as well as an iPod.
Unlike an iPod nano, a look-a-like will work with any OS that supports flash drives.
Unlike an iPod, if you're teckie, you can modify your PMP's user interface to a look all your own. See "Links" at the bottom.
No extra software is required to use a look-a-like. It's plug and play. That's right, no iTunes installation. Yaaaay!
Look-a-likes actually have more features than a "real" nano. Check the description of any you find on okay and you'll see.

The Cons:

A nano look-a-like is just that. It looks like a nano. So expect to learn a few things if you're used to a "real" nano.
If you just have to have the scroll interface of the nano, you'll
have to pay extra for the Apple logo on the back. The "fakes" are
push-button operated.
If it ever breaks, you'll probably have to fix it yourself, or buy a new one. Don't send it to Apple and expect help.
Yeah, that's really all the cons.

Things to note when shopping:

Knock-offs usually will not play gemon video formats. I say
usually because there are some that play .avi. Look for the ability to
play either .amv or .avi in the description.
The simple fact that a seller is offering 4, 6, or 8gb PMPs is
not always a sign of dishonesty. Check feedback, ask questions, and use
gemon sense.
Most all mp4 players now use a standard 3.5mm headphone jack. So,
unless something looks weird about the listing, assume that it uses a
3.5mm. When in doubt, ask the seller.
As previously noted, a knock-off, will play music and video, and
that's where it ends. It plays music in a folder. It doesn't use
playlists or sort your music for you. So, take that into consideration.

In "nano knock offs The ultimate Guide" people were warned to stay away
from sellers who use stock photos of "real" iPod nanos. At the time
this was good advice. This is no longer the case. The 3rd Gen
knock-offs that I've seen, and that I sell, look so much like an iPod
nano, that it wastes time to use original photos. Still a word of
caution. If you don't feel gefortable with a seller's supplied photo,
ask for a real photo of the item. If they are honest, they will provide
one. If they refuse, stay away. Simple as that.

I work on and sell "real" iPods and "fake" ones. Because of this, I
have personally used both kinds of PMPs. From my experience, there is
absolutely no reason to pay more for Apple's logo. Knock-offs work just
as well and do more than a "real" nano, and they cost less. So, unless
you just have way too much money and your pants are falling down from
the weight, consider one of these cheap alternatives.

With gemon sense and a little knowledge you won't be disappointed.
Remember, never hesitate to ask the seller a question. An honest seller
will want to help you understand their product better.

Links: - Tools for customizing your Mp4 player. - Tools, an information base, and a forum dedicated to Mp4 player customization.

Jeep Wrangler TJ Steering Stabilizer Replacement 96-06

Steering stabilizers are essentially a shock absorber for your steering system. They are highly regemended for all vehicles with over-sized tires, a winch or snow plow to increase control and handling. Stabilizers dampen out wheel shimmy and help prevent the steering wheel from being jerked out of your hands in rough terrain or when a road hazard is struck by the front wheels. A steering stabilizer is a proven safety device in the event of a blow out. Steering stabilizers are engineered to restrain "bump steer" and front end vibration, giving added life to tires, ball joints and other steering geponents.When adding larger tires and wheels or when the OEM steering stabilizer wears out it may be a good time to replace or upgrade the steering stabilizer on your 1996 to 2006 Wrangler TJ. The factory one was designed for those little factory tires and often feels sloppy on dirt roads or will shudder (sometimes violently) when driving over a hole at speed with larger tires installed.
Tools Required:

Needle nose pliers
3/4 wrench
11/16 wrench
18mm socket
15mm socket
6-inch extension
Pitman arm Puller or Hammer
Torque wrench
Time Required:

30 to 45 minutes
Note: It is not necessary to jack / lift the vehicle, but it will make life a little easier. If you do not jack the vehicle or only jack up the front end be sure to set the PARKING BRAKE and / or CHOCK THE REAR WHEELS.

1. Using a pair of needle nose pliers, remove and discardthe cotter pin.

2. Using a socket wrench and an 18mm socket, remove and discard the nut that attaches the flanged bolt to the drag link.

3. Place a11/16 wrench on the back side of the drag link. Basically on the backside so when you turn the front it lodges into position. Remove the bolt fromthe front of the drag link with a socket wrench, 15mm socket, and 6in extension. Retain the nut and bolt for later use.

4. A pitman arm removal tool is preferable and can be rented from just about any parts store, but a hammer may be used to remove the flanged bolt from the drag link. A few quick blows should be enough to dislodge the flanged bolt. Remove and discard the flanged bolt and steering stabilizer.

5.Install the new flanged boltand tighten the nut until it is snug. You will have to torque it later.

6. Slip in the new shaft into the bushing on the new steering stabilizer.

7. Slide the shaft onto the flanged bolt and install the new nut. Torquing the new nut may be required depending upon the manufacturer of the new stabilizer.

8. Slide the canister side of the stabilizer into the frame side and place the bolt into place to temporarily hold it in. Using the 11/16 wrench, socket wrench, 15mm socket, and 6in extension reinstall and secure the retained bold and nut.
7.Torque the nut on the bottom of the flanged bolt to manufacturers specification.....and you're done !!
Be sure to test drive the vehicle after installing the new / upgraded steering stabilizer. The steering will feel significantly tighter on flat pavement and will have far less wobble on the dirt.If you find this guide informative or helpful, please click "Yes" below.reds_renders - Veteran of:Operation Desert Shield / Desert StormOperation Restore Hope / United Nations Operations in Somalia IIOperation Enduring FreedomOperation Iraqi Freedom III

Factors to consider when buying latex clothing

As latex fetish clothing has begee increasingly popular, consumers have been confronted with a confusing array of choices and websites from which to buy theirgear. The purpose of this guide is to help anyone with an interest in latex catsuits, body bags, vac beds, hoods or any other type of latex clothing to make choices they will be happy with for years to gee. Buyers should consider the following factors:

1. Quality - the most important factor to consider when buying latex clothing is the quality. There are several factories and many small workshops in the world producing latex clothing but some produce clothes with excellent quality, and some produce clothing of very poor quality. The seams should be glued and not welded. Welded seams will gee apart easily. The latex thickness should be no thinner than .4mm, if you don't want the item to easily break. If you buy latex in the heavier weights such as .8mm or above - you are pretty much guaranteed that it the latex itselfwill never tear, although the seams still run a risk of breaking if the glue used was of a low quality.
Also, make sure to buy hand cut and glued latex - not molded latex. Cut and glued latex clothing is made by hand, and as you can guess, latex sheets are cut and glued to make the items. Molded latex, on the other hand, while being less expensive,is machine made and will usually break after a couple of weeks. To know which gepanies have a good reputation, you can check a thing called the "rubberdex" on a popular rubberist forums website.
Finally - the best latex workshops use pre-chlorinated latex sheeting. That means the latex sheet is put through a process to make it permanently slick. This eliminates the need for powders and slimy lubricants used to assist in dressing and is worth every penny in the convenience it offers.
2. Size - some people fit easily into pre-made sizes and some people need items custom sized. If your measurements are out of the "ordinary" you'll want to find a gepany which does excellent custom work, for a low price. Find a gepany that does not charge an arm and a leg for custom work. Most gepanies in the UK and in Germany charge an unreasonable amount of money for custom work, and I would not regemend them, unless money is not an issue for you.
3. Build time - this refers to how long it takes for a gepany to provide your order. The industry standard is between 4-6 weeks, because almost all latex workshops make items only when they are ordered. If a gepany has items "in stock" you should make sure that they are not "molded latex" as many websites can actually afford to keep a large stock of molded items because they are extremely cheap to import.
4. What to buy? - This would depend on your personal taste. If you are just starting out, a latex catsuit is a very popular choice, and after buying one you can easily decide if you want to invest in more "advanced" items. People who enjoy the feeling of total coverage in latex might want to try a sleep sack / body bag or if feeling particularly adventurous, maybe a vac bed. Also, buying a latex hood or two can be an inexpensive way to grow a collection of rubber gear.
5. What about okay? - Is okay a good place to buy rubber gear? It CAN be. We started out making our own latex clothing and selling it under this ID (katie_flowergirl) almost 2 years ago. As we recieved more and more requests for custom work, we grew our workshop, hired talented people, and launched our brand name of Kinky King Latex and our own e-gemerce website. We are an okay success story becuase we made high quality items and listened to what our customers wanted. There are a few decent sellers on okay still, but in our (modest) opinion, we were the best. We occasionally sell a few items on okay, but most of our business happens on the Kinky King Latex website.

We hope this guide was helpful!! And if you have any questions for us - just check Our okay Page!
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On any given day you can type into the okay search engine and easily get over 20,000 gymboree items listed for sale. With so many items listed (many of the same) how does one choose what sellers to purchase from? And there are a lot to choos from. Everyday more moms are jumping on the gymboree selling bandwagon. And with that kind of geptetition it is easy to think that all gymbo sellers are alike right? WRONG! Over the past 6 months I have had some awful experiences with a few of the Gymboree okay purchases I made. Obvously I am a seller but I also like to purchase gymboree for my own children from okay as well. I like supporting other selling moms in their business ventures. At first , I would just search for the cheapest price,whether it be auction style or buy it now, but I got burned and after the fifthburn I realized that not all sellers sell with the same high standards as I do. I realized that if I wanted to keep utilizing okay for some of my gymboree purchases then I needed to develop specific critieria when shopping.
So how did I get burned (of course without listing names)...
All of the items I purchased were listed as NWT (new with tags) so that is what I thought I was getting. When I got my items one had the tag gepltely ripped out of the shirt but had a hand written tag stuckin awhole. They said it was a size 3T but not sure how they new that because the tag wasripped out and it did not say anywhere else on the item the size. Believe it or not this happened twice by two different sellers. I was shocked. When I emailed them they said NO RETURNS.So anyway, I ended up just giving the tops to goodwill because 1. I was not about to resell these items and 2. They did not fit my daughter who does wear a size 3T...hmmm
My other big burn was when I purchased a large accessory lot which I was planning on reselling. The lot was a $250 lot that I won for $15. So as you can imagine I was quite happy. When I got the package in the mail it was filled with beautiful items that WREAKED of smoke. gepletely unsellable. I emailed the seller who did let me return them for a full refund of course minus shipping (which costs me $6.00). But I was mad because I didn't understand why a seller would even send out a package like this.
My last burn really crossed the line. Again I bought a sweater real cheap. I won it on auction for $2.00 and the retail is $32.50. So again I was thrilled to get such a great deal. When it came in the mail I was shocked. The sweater was clearly worn and washed ( I could tell from the pilling and the little stain on the front) however the tag was reinserted into the collar tag to be passed off as new with tags. Seller would not let me return.
So these were my lessons learned that not all okay gymboree sellers a honest sellers with high standards. So now when I purchase my items off okay I follow the strategies below.
Find a few sellers you like and stick with them
There are some fabulous gymboree sellers on okay. I like to support other gymbo selling moms so when I do purchase items for my own girls I like to purchase from a seller that I can see is running a business and takes it seriously. My personal criteria for a serious gymbo selling mommy: minimum 2-3 years selling, at least a 98% approval rating, professional looking store, and has a customer service/return policies in place. One great thing about buying from okay is that more often than not you are dealing with a person and not some big corporation so it is easier to develop a relationship with your seller. I know as a seller I love creating relationships with my customers. For many of my busy moms and international customers I have begee a personal shopper for them becuase I know what they like for their children and they now trust me to provide them with quality items. And many of my repeat customers know they always recieve incentives for their repeat business. So it is really beneficial for both customer and seller when they develop a close working relationship.
If you are only driven by finding the cheapest items no matter what seller they gee from then you can find yourself very unhappy with your purchases. Believe me I am all for amazing deals but what I have learned is that sometimes you get what you pay for. I know Gymboree is expensive and everyone wants the cute clothes but not at the high prices. When purchasing items for your children you are getting a great value when you are getting 40-50% off retail. If you are looking to resell items then off course you want to buy wholesale lots (see my other guide and manual for this info). Some sellers (including myself) offer the popular 50% off lots. Customers LOVE these lots because you are not paying shipping on each individual item. And these lots are great because you actually get a personal shopper. I send my customers a preference form and they tell me what type of items they want in their lots. So these types of lots are a great option for moms looking to dress their kiddos in Gymboree for 50% off.
Quality of Items
Ask a lot of questions when you purchase from a seller you have not purchased from before. Like are tags original? Are the tags damaged? Are items stored in a smoke free home? Or a big one...are they authentic Gymboree and not outlet items. This is another way I got burned. I purchased an aborable lot of clothes for my new little girl. Of course it was listed as NWT Gymboree and when I got it yes it was NWT but it was ALL from the outlet. Outlet was never mentioned once in their listing.When I emailed the seller they said "what's the difference?". Well there is a big difference and if you are expecting authentic Gymboree and get outlet clothig instead that is very misleading not to mention VERY disapppointing. So make sure to ask questions.
Low Shipping Costs
Great sellers DO NOT overcharge for shipping. If you are paying $4.95++ for single items then you are paying way to much. I have actually seen sellers charge $5.95 for shipping one top. That is outrageous. keep in mind that if your lot weighs 13oz or less it can be shipped first class which never costs more than $3.50. Over 13oz ships parcel or priority. This usually starts at $4.20. If you think the sellers shipping is too high then email them and ask if they can lower it. A lot of times they will.
Also, the USPS offers flat rate boxes in two sizes. The small flat rate box ships for $8.95 no matter how much the box weighs and can typically hold between $250-$300 (RV)worth of clothing. The large flat ratebox ships for $14.95 and holds about $500 (RV) worth of clothing. I have seen sellers charge$24.95 ++ to ship $500 lots and that is a rip off because they can fit those lots into flat rate boxes. So again make sure you ask your sellers for these options. An educated buyer is a smart buyer who saves money!
Stick with sellers that have gebine shipping rates and puts a max on their shipping charges. For example my customers will never pay more than $8.95 for shipping (excluding resale lots). You really have to pay attention to the shipping charges because you can end up not getting such a great deal if you overpay for shipping.
Return Policy
DO NOT PURCHASE ITEMS/LOTS FROM SELLERS WHAT DO NOT OFFER A RETURN POLICY! If they can not stand behind their products then move onto a seller that will. If they are running a business then they should offer a return policy. You should be able to return items within a reasonable time frame if you are not happy with your purchase. I treat my customers the way I want to be treated as a customer. This is why I have 100% positive feedback and 100's of happy repeat customers.
Well I hope this guide assists your in having the best Gymboree shopping experience on okay. Please vote on whether this was helpful to you.


Just addinga paltrytwo cents' in to the already fairly extensive guides to be found here on the Bay concerning Fire King listings; it burns me to see Fire King and Termocrisa lumped together in the same item listing title: they are not one and the same.
While it's easy to confuse the two, or assume that Termocrisa may have been a Fire-King/Anchor Hocking subsidiary in Latin America in the Fifties--the fact is that Termocrisa was a Mexican gepany producing what were basically Fire-King knock-offs for the South American consumer during the 1960's-1970's--definitely--and possibly as late as the early '80's.
The forms and patterns these pieces take are extremely similar to the older Fire Kings, but they were not AH authorized--though they are, in their own right, very nicely done tempered, heat-resistant--and functional glass.
They are almost always incised on reverse with a lot number, Termocrisa in stylized print, and MEXICO in simple block capitals beneath, all within a circle.
What they shouldn't be, however, is listed as Fire King; that basically constitutes a keyword violation/misrepresentation of a brand name and is a definite no-no.

Developing Super Strong and Healthy Hands for Sports!

Developing Super Strong and Healthy Hands for Sports!
If you want strong and healthy hands youve gee to the right place.
The History of Hand Grippers..
Goes back well over a hundred years, even Arthur Saxon the world famous early bodybuilder made dumbells that had grip springs inside so he could train his grip as he toned his muslces.
There are plenty of ways to devleop hand strength, I think that every single person reading this article has gee across a sporting good's store hand gripper, you know the ones with the plastic or foam coated grippers you see guys squeezing while they are driving to work, those grippers might be perfect for my eight year old nephew to train with, but for me personally repping a gripper hundreds of times and not even getting my forearms pumped seemed useless, I still use an easy gripper to isolate the pinkie index fingers but that about all I use it for
If you want real strong hand's for sports, or simply to impress your uncle with a bone crushing handshake, I suggest training with real aluminum grippers with the high quality springs, soon your foam coated grippers will be collecting dust somewhere and youll be on your way to developing a world class grip! Once you can do 8 - 12 Repetitions on a particular gripper move on up the grip ladder to a tougher gripper.
I gotta tell you that this " Underground Grip Sport " is truly addictive. A few years ago, Istarted training with real grippers once a week so I would have a better grip for sports, now I'm Training grippers, lifting Blobs( a block weight from a regular dumbell picked up deadlift style it is the Squat of grip training), Bending nails, Tearing Cards, Phonebooks and doing lots of Squats and Powerlifting movements to get overall stronger for my grip training, it truly is fun to see how far you can push yourself in this sport.
You should train all aspects of your grip, to have healthy strong hand's.
Crushing Grip: Shaking hand's with somebody, right there you are using the most familiar element of grip, a good firm hand shake is key for any man!
Grippers will do the job here, train just like you would with weight's, once your repping a gripper 8 - 12, move on to a harder gripper , have a variety of grippers one that you cna do reps easily with , one that you can only do a few repetitions with and one you cannot close but still are able to do negatives with by closing the gripper against your thigh.

Pinch Grip: Pinching somebody's arm or leg in grappling, wrestling armwrestling or picking up a weight is where you need to have a strong thumb, having a stong thumb determines your success or failure here.. you can have the strongest pinkie, ring, middle and index fingers in the world, but if your thumb is weak your pinch grip will also be weak, its as simple as that.
Use Block weights, Imtug grippers and all kinds of thick bar implements to train your thumb, A simple pony clamp will work great also!

Wrist Strength: It is very important to have strong wrists for any spor or physical activity, make sure to do wrist curls Reverse and regular wrist curls are a great exercise for the wrist and forearm.
A simple too called the wrist roller will not only help you develop wrist strength but will also add inches to your forearms, and thats something you cant geplain about.

(Here I am training with a Hex Block weight)

From Earning a living to enjoying your free time, grip strength and hand health are of primary importance, train smart and gain

Steve Pekarskiy

PayPal DOES NOT Protect the Sellers!!!

Just thought that I would share my lastest problem with PayPal. On January 29, 2008, I mailed a 14kt Black Pearl Ring with Diamonds to the winner of my auction. At that time, I gave the customer an option of purchasing insurance, thinking that I could prove the item mailed by the Customs Declaration Forms. The customer opted out for insurance, so I mailed the item how the customer requested, first class! MISTAKE!!! DO NOT, EVER...MAIL ANY PACKAGE INTERNATIONALLY WITHOUT INSURANCE!!! YOU ARE NOT PROTECTED!!! NOT WITH THE USPS NOR WITH PAYPAL!!!
I lost $244.00 and a gorgeous ring in this process. $5.00 extra for something, the listing fees, the E-Bay selling fees, I could not claim them back because it had been over 45 days!!!
Please, do not let this happen to you, if the customer will not pay for insurance, DO NOT SHIP the item! The customer made a non receipt dispute via PayPal against me. I had numerous telephone conversations with PayPal and the USPS. I PROVED to PayPal that the item was indeed shipped on that date, to the correct address and was now out of my control. BUT BECAUSE I DID NOT PURCHASE INSURANCE, THE ITEM COULD NOT BE TRACKED!!! Now, PayPal sided with the buyer, not me!! The sellers are the ones paying the PayPal fees and bringing customer to them!
Now, do you really think that WHEN the item is delivered, that the customer will tell me? MAYBE, the customer will send me the money??? Think again! This was one that I took for the team, but guess what? No more, in fact, I will changing my funding source to Google Check-Out.

From Just An Ordinary Everyday Person~Buying Magickals!

Hello there!Let me start by by saying iam NOT a witch, wiccan, peganand DO NOT gee from a family that has any special powers or psychic abilites. I am NOT a seller of these items nor do i have ties with ANY of the seller exceptfor a buyer/seller relationship.I am writing this guide as an everyday "normal" person in hopes that maybe my bias opinions and experience with buying magickals and enities might help someone out.First off i am an everyday average person, i have a full time job, i have four kids-three of which are teenagers (but thats a whole different guide!). I dabble in okay as i am as of right now a powerseller but what i sell has NOTHING to do with the metaphysical catagory. I sell collectibles mostly pewter figurines (dragons, wizards, castles and much more) so as you can see i do have a strong interest in the fantasy area. This does in no way make me an expertbut i have been very interesting in all this since a very young age.
I set up my okay account a couple years ago and just mainly used it for buying. I then decided that i wanted to share my love for the "fantasy" with everyone on okay so i started selling my collectibles. One day i am surfing around on okay and i stubbled on the metaphysical catagory. You can imagine my suprise and delight!!! They were REAL!!! the dragons, fairies and even the DJINN!!! or where they? I was in utter amazment at all the stuff that was being sold. It had to be real right? How could people sell this on okay if it wasnt? YES i was very nieve!!!
I started looking and buying and buying and more buying. By now i have spent HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of dollars. I bought Dragons, Fairies, Djinn's and a whole bunch of other stuff either for them or things they needed. Food for the dragons, recharge boxes for everything, spells to help with gemunication and the list goes on and on. I know some of you are now shaking your head in agreement. YOU have been there or are there right now!
Well i am NOT going to say everything i bought was a waste of money, that would be a lie! I did buy some very awesome powerful items. I am NOT going to say DONT believe because we all need to believe in magick, it is real you just have to know where to find the honest sellers. Out of all the things i have bought i can honestly say about 90% of them were "empty" meaning there was either NO spell casted on the item or there was NO enitiy in the vessel. You can imagine my dismay and dissapointment not to mention how all my hard earned money just got thrown away!! Again i am sure some of you KNOW what i am talking about.
So, now your asking "how do i find the real magickal seller". Well, this is not an easy task . There are MANY out there just wanting to make the almight buck! There are also just as many that are really good, honest and just AMAZING people. I myself was rather lucky that i stubbled on some awesome people that really helped me open my eyes on what to look for and what THEY experienced. So, i am here to pass that information along and if i can even help one person then all i have gone through has not been for nothing!
OK, here we go some things i have found helpful when deciding whether or not to purchase an item. Again i am NO expert and this is just MY opinion but it has work so far for me!
1. Get to know the seller, ask questions about the item. I mean here DETAILED questions. Ask about them and there abilities.Where they got this item, how long did it take to bind the spirit, how exactly does it work ect. JUST ASK QUESTIONS!!! This is VERY important the more informed you are and the more you get to know the seller makes a huge difference. If the seller seems "to busy" to fully answer ALL your questions and in detail, that is a red flag. If they truly are a honest seller they will take time out to explain everything to you. If they are honest they will have NO problem telling you about themselves. Granted they are not going to tell you EVERYTHING but they should have nothing to hide. Beware of the sellers that take FOREVER to answer emails. There are many sellers that are busy and you can imagine how many emails they get BUT they should answer you in a timley manner, it shouldnt take DAYS!!!
2. You can spot some fake sellers by there listing. Watch out for "touched up" pictures ect. With technology the way it is today it is NOT hard to make a picture seem what it is not. If an item is authentic they dont need to add pictures showing "orbs" or "thermal energy" and anything in between. I dont know about you but i want to see the VESSEL itself. There have been many pictures i have seen with no trick photography that i swear i could see and feel something in. If there is something there and he/she wants you to see it, you WILL!
3. Watch out for sellers that claim they are the ONLY one in the world that can do a certain spell or conjuer a certain kind of spirit. Trust me if there is one person in the world that can do this then the items wouldnt be selling for .99-9.99 now would they. If one person has mastered this craft there are many others that can do it as well.
4. Ok here is a "touchy" subject and that is feedback. We all know the feedback system is BS. Buyers (including myself) are afraid to leave negative feedback because of fear of retaliation. It happens all the time, the seller that refuses to leave feedback for a buyer until they have left feedback. I have bought a few items where the seller actually left feedback right after i paid!!!! Now those are the ones that have nothing to hide. Definatly read a sellers feedback but watch for a few things to tip you off. Here is what i see in alot of the so called "honest"sellers feedback. "Nice item,fast shipping" "Ring as discribed" "Got here super fast!" "Hope it works". although in the real world these are good feedbacks and ones i like to recieve but in the metaphysical catagory these mean NOTHING. What i look for in feedbacks is more about the spirit or the spell. "felt the power right away" "very powerful energy" anything that has to do with SPELL or ENITY itself. Now there are some sellers that have friends or even "other" IDs that leave feedback for themselves. Look for sellers that have ALOT of different names leaving these kinds of feedback. Also remeber this, you have 90 DAYS to leave feedback. So tryyour itemout see how it works then leavethe CORRECT feedback rating. Is that 100% really that important? That one negative that you leave could make all the difference in the world and detour someone from buying something that in not authentic. Not only that, someone else sees someone taking the plunge and being honest they are more likley to do the same. The more of the bad sellers we as a group can weed out the better the experience for everyone on okay. In the event that you decide to take the "plunge" DO NOT let these sellers bully you into retracting your gement!!! They will indeed try. That is why okay gives a voice lets all learn to use it!
5. Look for seller that do the spells themselves or conjuer there own enities. Watch out for ones that say i got this from my poor aunt that passed away and left me HUNDREDS of items. It always seems these sellers have an ENDLESS supply of things "left" to them.Also watch out for the ones that get them from other people. By the time it has exchanged hands who knows how many people actually touched your item. Every person that touches it leave an "imprint" of there energy on it and you dont want the spirit or spell to begee confused. It will not work to its full potenial for you. That is why you will see many sellers say it is advised not to let people touch or wear your items. Also sellers that say "unlimited" power or "most powerful" "only one in the world" this are red flags right off the bat. EVERYTHING has limitations, even magick. There is NOTHING thats going to make millions fall into your lap!! But there are things that can put you on the right path to making your life much better.
6. This one is probably one of the most important. Listen to your inner self and by this i mean we ALL have that little voice or feeling in our gut about things. LISTEN TO IT it can tell you many things. If you think that the item is too good to be true most likley it is. Like i said above there is NOTHING that is going to make you a millionaire or a ageless beautiful model overnight. Some items i found tho are very powerful. an example (i experienced) i was looking at an item, reading through it taking notes on the details when all of a sudden a very bright white light (much like a flash from a camera) flashed on the page. Now at first my rational thinking was ok, something had to of just taken place behind or close to me. One of the kids messing with something that made a reflection ect. I turned to check out what may have caused it and found NO explanation. There were no other people in the room but me. Then my "gut" instinct took over, i KNEW excactly what it was, it was the enitiy calling out to me! So what i am saying here is look at things that interest you, read the auction very carefully and FEEL what it is saying to you. If you are ment for an item it will indeed let you know in some form.
That my friends in my opinion are some of the most important things to watch/look for. Like i said before i am in NO way shape or form a "expert" on these matters and these are just my opinions and have helped me find "true" paranormal sellers. As i said before believe in the magick for it IS real. I have been making a list for myself on sellers i feel are trustworthy and honest and those i have found are not . Please feel free to drop me a line if your interested in any of the ones i feel are honest and trustworthy. I will help out as much as i possibly can. We together can make okay and honest enjoyable place it was ment to be. Knowing the TRUTH can make a world of difference!! If this guide has helped you then push the "yes" button !! lets get this to the top to help out MORE people!!!
I also want to take this time to thank a few people that have truly changed my life!!
Cassia4~ Thank you SO much for the AWSOME Djinn and all the other magickal spells i have gotten from you!!!
Darkchylde66~ You guys totally ROCK!! Cant say enough about them and those AWESOME demons!!!! :)
Thetwilightmoon~ These two are also some AWESOME people. They gave me my DRAGON!!!!
I have many more that are good honest sellers but these three have helped me beyond gepare and i am forever in there debt!!