Thursday, December 22, 2011

A taste of Chicken Soup to Inspire a Woman's Soul

A Taste of Chicken Soup to Inspire a Woman's Soul is a short collection of stories celebrating the wisdom, fun and freedom of women in mid-life. It is dedicated to the millions of women facing mid-life, who dare to take time to nurture their souls and open their hearts fully to life.As with all the Chicken Soup of the Soul books, this one has a specific slant aimed towards the soul of the mature woman. It's a small volume of only 87 pages including helpful information about other resources available in the series. It is small enough to tuck in a purse, geputer bag or desk drawer. Placed on a side table or night stand with in easy reach when there is only a minute or two available, it is filled with inspirational experiences from real women with real challenges. Women who turned to the Lord for answers and how He made a difference in times of trial, joy or sadness.A great little gift for the new empty nester in your life. A sister, neighbor, or co-worker. A good choice for attendees at a women't retreat or spa weekend. It will inspire, encourage and uplift.Thank you for reading my review. If you are interested in this or other Chicken Soup for the Soul or Taste of Chicken Soup for the Soul books, check on okay for sellers offering copies. And God bless you as you travel your own personal road.

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