Thursday, December 22, 2011

How Too Tips for Maintaining

Not all jewelry is made the same, hence that is where we understand the range from handmade jewelry to the finest of rare gems. As a result, Basic Jewelry Care should begee a habit to maintain and preserve all our treasured jewels. These tips will help increase the life line of your jewelry regardless of how much you may spend.GETTING READY FOR THE DAY: From Cosmetics, Lotions, Perfumes, Hair Spray too sugar scrubs and other soaps ... All leave an imprint on your jewelry. Not all gemstones are alike, some are porous, others are harder than others, to metals and finishes. Pre-planning, by removing your jewelry securely and before using these items will help maintain the integrity of your gemstones, metals and finishes. Wearing your jewelry after your lotion drys for instance will not only help extend the cleanliness and sparkle of your jewelry...but will extend the life from potential damage if proper care is not taken.CHORES, MANNUAL LABOR, TASKS TOO SPAS: gemon sense tells us that while we are washing dishes, sanitizing things with chlorines and other harsh chemicals too performing tasks like moving furniture, gardening, sports, swimming in a chemically treated pool or soaking in a spaand other more rigorous activities can bring immediate harm to our jewels. To help avoid damage to prongs settings, loosing a stone, deep abrassions to your finish...simplify by removing your jewels. We sometimes forget that a simple bump on the side of our sink or soaking in chemicals too long and on a regular basis, shortens the lifespan of our most favorite treasures.SIMPLE CARE TIPS: Establish a care routine of washing your jewelry in a very mild warm soapy water after wearing at the end of the day. Why not use a all purpose polishing cloth to dry and put away in your jewelry box. Afterall, our skin sweats, some of us are more oily than others. Regardless of how meticulously clean we are...our natural oils from our skin if left on our jewelry for a period of time, will eat through the metal finish of your jewelry... removing life, sparkle or luster.TO DIP OR NOT TO DIP: Not all jewelry dips are the same. It is extremely important if you care about your jewelry, that you read your dips before soaking your jewelry in them for any period of time. For instance... Opals... oh my goodness, please use a cleaning cloth and do not soak. You will ruin your genuine opal otherwise. Gasp! I am not a gemologist, but a student of gemology still learning. It is not a bad idea to take a minute and research the care of your precious stones. As forgenuine hallmarked.925 Sterling Silver, ahh, dips and silver love each other. nothing like bringing back a brilliant shine with a quick dip and rinse in water before drying with a polishing cloth (my routine). Use your dips attention to the manufactures labels before using on just anything. PleaseDO NOT USEtoothpaste, baking soda, or amonia. Really, leave it to the professionals, most dips are very affordable and can be found at your local pharmacy to department store...and of coures your favorite okayers stores.TO BRUSH OR NOT TO BRUSH: This is one of those that you should use your best gemon sense and judgement on. I personally use, this is me, and you do what you want please... but I use a soft bristled toothbrush that I have designated for jewelry cleaning. I do not apply pressure, I do not scrub... however, for my pronged jewelry or jewelry such as box or snake chain... all will collect your sweat and bodily oils. A gentle cleaning goes a long way. For example...and dont gross out, but if you wear glitter body cream...Oh my goodness you will be shocked when cleaning your sterling silver chain in a quick dip and gentle scrub. Quite literally, I dip my sterling silver chain, pull out, hold but lay against my bathroom sink... and gently brush the chain. You will see the dip turn into black residue from your skin. Imagine if you left it like that. Over a period of time, your silver looks dull becuase it is so caked up and dirty. So yes, a quick dip, a little light brushing over entire chain, rinse in water, I will dip one more time for measure, rinse in water again and then dry with polish cloth before putting away.CONCLUSION: With so much more that could be said, this is just basic jewelry care tips to help maintain and preserve the life of your jewelry. If you have any questions about how to clean or maintain a jewelry piece, I suggest you take a minute to research online or ask your local jeweler for assistance. I sincerely hope this guide helps you maintain and preserve all your treasures for years to gee. Thank you for reading me. SeaGemEmporium

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